
"Manly? Yes; but I like it too."

You mean "Left of the Dial"?

Pathetic. All of my college parties looked like this, and we dropped at least a few few decimal places per person and spent it on cheap Mexican beer. And there was way more pubic hair.

Yeah, well…. A tequila-bearing foot's as good as a tit to Quentin Tarantino.

Am I the only one who's going to have to cut through the breast fetishism to point out the phrase: "supernatural noir directed by Ryan Gosling", or did I just give up halfway through reading about all of your boners?

"Neighborhood Watch Simulator 2013"

From a pragmatic perspective, you have less digital techs running around trying to get the camera to work properly.

Scrawler's mom is Divine?

Well as long as they're using film, might as well break out the 'ol cuneiform.

Honestly, I'd settle for seeing Ryan Gosling talk.

Thank heaven I'm not in the minority on this one. It gets lonely down here….

On the merits of DeNiro's tour-de-force delivery and the absurd kidnap plot alone, I think this has to be at least in my top three Scorsceses.

I'm hard-pressed to name a better (artificially) lit interior beside the church in Barry Lyndon.

Maybe it was seven or eight different Spaced marathons….

At least I learned how to say "I Am Legend" in Spanish.