
LEFT HER. As in - He walked out on her. Again - he starts treating her like garbage immediately. Approximately 30 minutes before he has even a remote shred of evidence that she has done anything ethically wrong.

This is the funniest comment on this entire review.

Yeah too bad the episode did almost nothing interesting with the tech.

This was hopelessly dull to me. "That's My Dog" is terrifying and powerful because you (probably) care deeply or even something for David when it happens. I did not, and probably physically can not, feel anything for Liam in this episode.

Right but that is the whole point, assuming more and more patterns due to her toning down her previous relationship and minor infidelity to avoid provoking this exact type of reaction is far more reasonable than any of the nonsense he pulls or says in the run time of this episode. He is also - notably, an absolute

Yeah Belligerent and Ignorant are accurate. Are you even reading what you are writing? Everything you have posted so far has been relentlessly unabashedly hostile. I never assumed everyone who tries to kill themselves is mentally ill, but often they are - by definition, as their mental state has rendered them a danger

I'm sorry, I just think it's really weird to resist watching a show because an actor in it holds views you don't agree with in real life. His job is to not be himself, so what does it really matter what he thinks in his downtime. It would be less weird if you had no interest in the show, but you explicitly stated it's

yeah and I stated my own subjective opinion about it. Breaking bad is overrated.

"If you don't get help for the sake of your kid then you are being a
self-indulgent selfish pussy who can't grow up and handle real life."

Compared to Garfield without Garfield, this was kind of conceptually bland. I didn't even crack a smile.

So. You you are refusing to watch him because of his Oscar Speech? Oh ok. I thought there was some kind of logic to this. Nevermind, live long and prosper weirdo.

Not almost certainly. Not even almost. The only way Breaking Bad is the greatest, is if you're measuring "greatest" based on twitter trends or something. The Wire and Six Feet Under would dethrone it based on almost any other criteria.

Sorry if this is hard to hear, but this excessively judgmental, often hateful treatment of other human beings is precisely what leads to suicide in the first place. In my group of close friends, (I'm 26 right now) 6 of us have all attempted suicide at least once in our late teens or early 20s, and all of us were