Michael Strangeways

i thought it was way better than the disappointing Ben episode last week, where the only good part was the scenes with Richard freaking out…nice work from Holloway and I loved the scene with Claire and Kate in Claire's hut with her monster baby. And, as usual, GREAT work from Terry O'Quinn…he knows how to play the

I'm not certain we've seen the last of Charlotte…and I know we haven't seen the last of Juliet…whether or not she's Jack's mystery baby mama remains to be seen…I hope not.

Jennifer Saunders DID take an existing cast (from Absolutely Fabulous) and plunk them into an entirely new show (Mirrorball) which was the pilot for a post-AbFab series…but she (and maybe the BBC) didn't care for it and she decided to do more AbFabs. Mirrorball is interesting, sometimes funny, but it's no AbFab.

uh, yeah…that's one of the things that drives me nuts about this show…after all this time, WHY does David Wallace expect Michael to NOT fuck shit up? (Also, why is Dwight still employed after setting the fire; why does a small regional paper company have offices on 5th Avenue; why aren't the salespeople ever out on

WHY is he still on the show? He's served his purpose and he needs to go…in fact, they need to do a major house cleaning on this show…waaaaay too many characters and not enough for them to do.

according to Wikipedia, Don was born in 1925 so he is 38 in Season 3…I'm guessing that we're going to skip 1964 and Season 4 is going to be set in 1965 since it's the year Don turns 40 AND it's the year (in November) of the big Northeastern Black Out…also, do we really need to see them setting up their new offices?

yes, one of the many reasons why this show is great…they refuse to go the obvious route and they have a superb sense of building suspense as well as a sense of dread…on nearly every episode there is a moment, or two, or a even an entire episode where you're not sure where things are going and you're convinced that

I gave it a D. Tired jokes, meh plot, (and waaay too much of it) and the pacing was weird and rushed.