Daniel Ryan Mulligan

that could work, too

that could work, too

munch, munch, munch, eating my friends…

munch, munch, munch, eating my friends…

just picture it, ok?
you will see

just picture it, ok?
you will see

you guys are idiots
ryan was insane
holding a small dog in a closet
while curled up, crying

you guys are idiots
ryan was insane
holding a small dog in a closet
while curled up, crying

or that her "date" was an angel? from the show with roma downey?

or that her "date" was an angel? from the show with roma downey?

you guys are dumb.  masters was a metaphor for the "huddy" thing

when fred died, i started crying, back in 2005?  but i have never stopped…even when my cat died a few years ago.  i am always crying, even when i saw amy in dollhouse and cabin/woods, in that flick, richard jenkins' death is the saddest.

Analogy is comparing one thing to another, usually connecting with "like" or "as": He ran like the wind.

what is the difference between analogy and metaphor, anyway?

pitch perfect, but go see CABIN soon, please, sir!

you guys do not understand.  after stan's transformation last year, this is cartman's start to an un-racist human being…after all "house" is ending, so this is how cartman will change.  first, he loses his imaginary friends (stuffed animals, anyone?),  then he will eventually lose his racism as he grows up.  little

unbelievable, unfuckingbelievable,  the film can ACTUALLY change hearts and minds of those who hurt and can change the WORLD, so, of course, the MPAA sees it as a threat, but a movie about rape with REAL navy seals, (Act of Valor),  which doesn't change a fucking thing, gets an uncontested R rating, no publicity

ok, its raining…again, and wilson STILL doesn't show up!  maybe when wilson's around, house doesn't go nuclear…or maybe wilson only calls in sick when it rains.  he can't get wet?  wicked witch, anyone?  wilson must be a lucky charm for regular cast members…when he's around, nobody important gets hurt.  (candace