
At first I thought this might be dumb. Turns out it's actually the best thing I've ever seen.

How'd it get burned?

He was brilliant in that film. Seriously underrated just like the rest of the movie IMHO.

Well somebody has to hold the tray of cocktail sausages…

This is actually a childhood dream coming true….

What a story VAL!

I want a Meechum spin-off…

I went to read this article and just ended up imagining tasty ribs…I don't think I read one word.

^This. Jonathan Krisel (the guy who directs Kroll Show as well as Portlandia) has actually perfected the art of imitating reality TV show right down to that public domain scream they all use. That said Krisel manages to mimic any kind of TV pretty perfectly; even long running Canadian sitcoms…

How is June Diane Raphael NOT in this?

Better headline "Charlie Sheen is actually pretty rad" The Shia Labeouf version of this video ends with him stealing their idea for a movie.

This reeks of bored retired dickhead project. As someone who's been involved in more of those than I'd care to admit I can tell from all the signs.

Says you; but wait until my film sequel to Avengers starring Christian Slater and Michael Hutchenstance where the two play veteran cops trying to make one last potato salad. I made it because the big bang theory. Just waiting for that sweet 75 million from Kickstarter, we have great rewards like getting to name

Tommy Wisseau should play Slash in this show.

Not Soon Enough.

It's not a product Mr. Connery!

"Is this Nazi Porn?"
"No Donnie these men are Nhilists, nothing to be afraid of."

…and in the intro they score on someone who appears to be a duck playing on a different team either wearing old Vancouver or current Calgary colours…

quack, quack, quack, quack, Quack, Quack, Quack, Quack,

He can't. Believe it or not that whole review was just torn from the panels of a 1970s comic book…