
I hope there isn't this kind of anti-Franco fervor around his adaptation of the disaster artist…I'd hate to have bad Diplomatic relations with whatever the fuck country Tommy Wisseau spawned in…

It's how I reply to "have a nice day" at the supermarket…

Absolutely. The fight scenes post season 1 (and for the most part pre season 4) were crazy well animated and scored in general.

I do kinda agree though, it would be nice if more reviewers offered a score for a finale and also a score as to what it would be as just an episode. It could go in the notes at the end or something.

People still react to it the same way but it's because nobody has the funky cojones to stand up to prince.

You kinda have to. Endings leave powerful impressions on people and in a lot of cases it's what people take away from a series.

Favorite Boondocks moment? Season 2 Episode 1, when Huey and Ruckus fight in the theater. It's not profound, it's not even that funny, it's just so brilliantly set up and surreal…

The secret ingredient…is hate.

Oh get off your high horse, that expression is as common as "fancy that"…

That's why the show is called doctor who, his medical license still says Dr.<insert prince="" symbol=""> …

Didn't Prince say the internet was over a while back? How on earth did he see and get inspired by a Meme…

Macklemore is what it's called when you find a bunch of scallops hiding in gefilte fish…

Won't Sean Hannity be busy pretending he's an actor for Atlas Shrugged: Part 3: Who Gives a Shit?

What to do? Just take off to some Red Tails whoo hoo!

Littlefinger and Nucky Thompson running rum and whores from Westeros to Atlantic City….

No joke, there was a montage ad HBO ran at cinemas in my hometown that kinda made it look like there was a show crossover of GoT and Boardwalk Empire. It was never not baffling.

Now you're just some princess that I used to save…

Hell yeah. Darkseid is the genuine article. Beware of imitators.

Thanos Grit

No mention of Michael K. Williams in this article…I guess the AV Club doesn't have a code.