
Is that the Pullout king?


PBS WAS the original kickstarter.

What's funnier is the mental image of Morgan Freeman going home and uploading this to youtube afterwards. Putting in keywords and stuff…I don't know. I find it funny.

How did you write this article without saying "but you don't have to take my word for it…"??

Get outta here villemar! Don't you have a Dallas Airport to be angry at!?

Sandler would host SNL if he could turn it into a 45 million dollar vacation. Just sayin'

These people aren't reacting to the events themselves though, they're reacting to other people's reactions and then smearing a layer of that onto their paranoia, antisemitism and whatever other bullshit they believe in.

"I am a perfect lizard gentleman, the true alpha reptile…"

Japanese Plinko.

NHL Playoffs getting noticed by non-Canadians? The world just got a little smaller tonight…

Sheltie, what are you feeding to my dogs…

oh I'm 100% positive it was. It looks like a slightly more slipshod version of the first season (compare the fight scenes in that season to the ones in the second for an idea of what I'm talking about) but yeah I guess a further aspect of that is that this season is less about the kids and their crazy pseudoreality

I don't want a large farva, I want a goddamn litre a' cola!

I'm still choked up about this. Oh well, maybe they'll get another experienced comedic comic book adapter to do it…how about the guy who did Scott Pilgrim?

I feel for the animators on this show, they haven't missed a beat despite the show going full Community Season 4 on us…

I have it on good authority that Grown Ups 2's budget was focused primarily on cutting edge Deer Piss CGI.

Adam Sandler's The Silmarillion. A three part Jackson style epic that still somehow cost less than Blended.

I do hope he got to Charleston by railway car full of memories. Hobo Bill Murray just seems right to me.

Edgar Wright gets kicked off ant man and then this!? Could this day get any worse!?
*patiently awaits sitcom karma*