
Similar civil rights records? Bundy is a private citizen with zero public responsibilities. Johnson was an elected official who took credit for Richard Nixon's original Civil Rights Act of 1954. Johnson simply was doing his part to advance the early concepts of the Cloward-Piven strategy.

Too bad Colbert's entire career is a leftist political satire and, thus, political discussion is intrinsic to any discussion here.
#RunOnSentences #BanBossy

“I’ll have those ni**ers voting Democratic for the next 200 years.” —Lyndon B. Johnson to two governors on Air Force One

Hey, you can't use facts in here! You're hashin my buzz, man!

Or Joe Biden.

When there's no substance in one's stance, go ad hominem!

Yeah, really! I mean I've never watched Fox News, but I've been told that it's racist oriented and Colbert and Stewart rip them, so it must be true. The Daily Show is my favorite news program!!

Although I'm sad to see Stephen Colbert leave The Report, I'm excited to see him on late nights! Finally, the broadcast corporations are starting to represent the real majority of America with someone who excels at delivering pro-leftist comedy!