scooby scooby doo

I first saw Draughtman's Contract at Humboldt State as a freshman in '84, and I fucking loved it.  Still do.  Solidarity, brother….

First caught them on their Daydream Nation tour….Mudhoney opened and it was awesome.

Well, this is a real crappy way to start my weekend.  Thanks internets.

Couldn't agree more about his collections of letters.  I've read both volumes and have to say they may be the best collections of author letters I've ever taken the time to read - just awesome.  It's freaky to realize that his voice - that "voice" that everyone associates with HST - was around and nearly fully evolved

"Find me one other comedic actor…"

Can't believe no one's mentioned the end of City Lights…

Doctor Memory, you do not know of what you speak. Saw Nirvana open up for Butthole Surfers at the Warfield in SF in '90 or so - right before Nevermind hit the charts. "Holy Sweet Jesus" would aptly sum up the show.

I repeat:

Good to see this movie getting love…
…such a great performance from Murray, so many great lines/scenes. One of my favorites is when Murray's character is tied to a chair and the bad guys are getting ready to interrogate and/or torture him, and one them protests because they don't want to have to"clean up after" or

"Hounsou. He's so hot right now. Hounsou. "

Yeah, I'll never forget that first show. Was in SF with some friends and pretty much just stumbled into the Albion. Went into the basement to check out the band. Was immediately sucked in, thought, "wow, these guys are doing something I hadn't heard before and the singer has got a very cool voice." But when they

By the way, that last comment was actually me, in my un-registered self. I now have my own AV identity, complete with requisite silly photo.