
And I doubt he was rushed because this was posted a half-hour early.

The prospect's name was V-Lin.

Episode's not over dude, and I couldn't help but skim the end of the review and now I want to kick myself in the head for doing so.

He couldn't have survived the season, but there was a part of me that hoped Sully would some how end up sticking around for next season.  Mickey's also been growing on me all season, but the accent needs to disappear, maybe give him some head trauma that gets rid of it or something.

probably one set around that PI, the only competent person in the final season.

Should've ended with Dexter hooked up to the machines and Deb pulling the plug.  Hannah turning herself in and Deb taking in Harrison.  And Quinn turns out to have never existed.

Wouldn't have realized that was James Woods in the final scene if I didn't see his name on the show's wikipedia page.  Here's hoping he mixes things up.

While I thought, along with almost everyone else, that the possible Deb spin off would be an absolutely idiotic idea, now that they set her up as a troubled private detective with a drug problem I can't believe they didn't think about doing this years ago when Deb's character had some hope left.

That's a photo of Will and WIllow from I Am Legend

Tom Hanks stars the president or a senator who's recently been caught up in some kind of scandal (a murder or an affair, maybe both) and Chet Haze is the whiteboy rapper who must save him from being assassinated by a disgruntled librarian played by Colin Hanks.

how is it that no one has mentioned Andy's confession about sometimes getting a boner when he blows his nose.  Not only does it make me feel less sensitive about it happening to me, but it was probably the funniest line of the season.

the Subway manager asking for his coat after hearing the recording and Dean's reaction to him was probably the funniest thing I've seen in a while.  Rest of the episode was pretty good too.  John Goodman's killing it as Laybourne.

If the Chuck and Sarah part were a little stronger and less melodramatic this probably would've been one of my favorite episodes of the series.  However, it was probably my favorite recent episode for Morgan, Ellie, and Awesome.  The Morgan story was good because it seemed to be the episode where we finally got back