Husker Dont

Agree re: Love Exposure, and raise you Strange Circus. Still haven't seen Noriko, but I've heard great things!

I'm only on Clash of Kings right now, but already I feel like reading Song of Ice and Fire is a concentrated exercise in masochism.

It's seriously worth it for those moments when you can tell the writers have run out of ghoulish ideas, so they have someone be sodomized with a banana or have monopoly pieces shoved up their ass (both actual factual episodes, trust), and poor Olivia Benson has to describe the crime with a straight face.

Yes yes! Love that movie but I was so disgusted at that part, and I'm usually fine with any amount of (filmed) gore.

YES. I've never been able to explain the visceral distaste I have for that movie to anyone, and here you've done it for me. Although, I was with you until you started hating on marzipan.

Exactly. Ichi is much less horrifying or disgusting or whatever than even something like The Thing, because it's never for a moment serious.

False. But still, a great film.

Yeah that's the thing - it sucks that it was cancelled, but I'm less angry it only got 2 seasons than delighted that it was actually financed and created and we got 2 amazing seasons out of it.

Well, that's true as far as the men go, but the hotness of virtually every carnie lady (even the bearded one!) kind of works against the realism factor.

That's part of the joy of this show (for me at least) - I've rewatched it a few times and I still can never decide exactly where Justin's inner motivation shifts, and he stops being obsessive man on a righteous mission and starts being truly consumed by his evil.

re: Catalina - it's been a while since I last rewatched but it does seem like they just ship her off in the night with little fanfare. It always strikes me as kind of a shame - I like the actress, and they could have done something really fun with the character if she'd stuck around.

Exactly - Ruthie always struck me as sexually confident but with pretty scarce options, especially SPOILERS when she starts seeing all her dead previous lovers milling around the carnival - not a looker among them as I recall.

I too am bummed, I'm going to miss his stringy hair and weirdly inflated neck.

I've always suspected a Sunnydale type situation.

For the first 3/4ths of the first movie, it made sense since the werewolves seemed like they could tear up any non-armed vampire like wet tissue paper, but then at the end I guess they gave up on that idea.

The first movie combined my deep abiding love of shitty action movies with my even deeper love of shitty horror movies, so I've hung around this long. Haven't seen it yet so I can't help with that, but to me it's worth a matinee ticket and a small popcorn.

For those of us who enjoy watching esteemed British actors embarrass themselves for our amusement, it was a godsend.

Or maybe she's a vampire who kills assassins…oh wait.

I've wanted Carnivale to get the full on recap treatment here for so long, and it looks like the ritual sacrifices have finally paid off!

Ze blood of zese horse is killing me!