LCD Death Panel

Don't be ridiculous; ElDan never has any difficulty finding locations to lock up children

I don't know, Trump may be an egotistical, racist, unhinged, charlatan, lunatic demagogue who might destroy America's reputation and economy, but Hillary sent some emails a couple times so I'm not sure…

Agreed, I'm so sick of Trump supporters and their 'feelings'. "Well, maybe immigration and the economy and crime aren't actually that bad, but we feel like they are." Well fuck that, facts still matter for something, they can take their feelings and shove it.

"Yes, yes, you must give us all a good spanking!"

I once went on a date and saw Eyes Wide Shut, which the trailers make look like a sexy film about forbidden lust but which is actually a depressing treatise about emotional and loneliness. Needless to say, that kind of killed the mood.

Grandpa Nightmare
The Duke of Pistons
Imogen Poots

It's really interesting to me too conceptually (I also spend too much time thinking about the setting of the film's), but they'd need to turn that idea into a watchable movie for mass audience. Maybe the citadel could be under siege by forces who don't accept that women could be in positions of power, or Furiosa could

Yeah ideally it would feature all new characters just so Miller could come up with a hundred new crazy character names, but i'll take any Mad Max film I can get.


Great, now Miller needs to go ahead and make a sequel already, doesn't matter if it's about Max or Furiosa really. I just need more post-apocalyptic madness in my life.

That's an interesting observation! I don't know if that's what the director intended but it definitely works as a thematic parallel to that scene, sort of how Jon's standing on the crowd of wildlings unintentionally parallels Dany standing with the freed slaves.

Sure, I agree with that to some extent, but even in that sense the focus is still on how it affects Sansa instead of just torture porn with Ramsay

Honestly, I think it's for the best they cut away since it makes the focus of the scene on Sansa and her reactions. It makes her claims that Ramsay will be 'forgotten' seem more credible, and reinforces that she's gaining empowerment.

The problem is that there is surprisingly a lot less porn than you would think and a lot more debates over contracts and going on rides in airplanes. The BDSM parts are pretty lame and boring for the most part.

Don't worry about it!

"I'm not only the president of the AV Cocktail club, I'm also a member!" - Alcopheliac in the near future

If Martin would just realize that no one gives a fuck about Dorne, Essos, or the Iron Islands that would save him about 2000 pages of work

"You see Jared Leto on his back in the desert. He needs help, but-"

I like Vic as a character, but some of the latter episodes where they paused the plot to have him sing a song were annoying since they did it so often. It felt like filler.

I don't know what you're referring to (thanks for the catch, oops!)