Now you can have the experience of being told that someone and their friend doesn't like you, only in a Star Wars themed bar this time
Now you can have the experience of being told that someone and their friend doesn't like you, only in a Star Wars themed bar this time
Figrin Dan is so derivative of Max Reboot, everyone knows jizz music was stolen from blue musicians
Yes, I disliked it a lot more before Genesys (?) came out, which makes me wonder just how bad the next film would need to be in order to view the last movie more favorably.
"Hate" is probably too strong a word, I think most people are just annoyed with his nickname and think his movies are kind of middling. But other than that he doesn't provoke the intensely strong negative feelings that some other directors like Snyder or Bay seem to, at least personally anyway.
World War &
They handled Sam's totally adorable hallucinations of megalomaniacal gardening pretty well
If Trump wins in November, that planet will be Earth
It just seemed unnecessary I guess, like no one was really clamoring for a ten minute biology lesson about the Force when "it's magic" worked fine. It also makes it seem less special for some reason.
Proton torpedos can't melt durasteel beams
That's an unfair oversimplification; sometimes they're a metaphor for communism, or for not being able to afford new costumes si it's a cowboy planet or something
Probably Stairway to Heaven at one point too- a Lannister always plays Led Zepp
I saw this band about 50 times in highschool and college, way to make me feel super old AV Club
That makes a lot of sense and I agree that's probably what bothered me about it, Clinton can be a good and competent administrator and President without having to be made into some maternal figure for the nation
Am I the only one who found this video a little silly? It was so serious it was almost a parody of 'uplifting' motivational videos. And I say that as someone who felt Clinton did fine in her actual speech.
Assange is an irresponsible misogynistic asshole, so it kind of makes sense that he'd support a Trump presidency.
Hold the door!
Harrison Ford!
It's a shame he won't live. But then again, who does?
This is a great idea, Star Wars prequel films have a superb track record thus far
I'm pretty sure it just reflects that the race is tightening and while Clinton is still favored Trump still has a reasonable chance to win the election if it were held today and a few factors shifted in his favor (e.g turnout, economic conditions, scandals, etc)
She's a sitting congressperson for now; I'm in her district and she's facing a tough primary challenge from Tim Canova (she's still favored being the incumbent but the Canova people are very well organized and motivated)