The real problem with Janeway (and Voyager in general) is that her character is written very inconsistently; Janeway's behavior varied wildly from episode to episode depending on the writer.
The real problem with Janeway (and Voyager in general) is that her character is written very inconsistently; Janeway's behavior varied wildly from episode to episode depending on the writer.
In his house in R'yleh, Ted Nugenthu sleeps… and posts racist threatening tweets to Obama
She's interested enough in you to keep stringing you along, but not enough to not keep you on the back burner. If you have any sense of self worth, then wouldn't you rather be with someone who actually values you enough to make time for you and communicates with you more than a few times a month?
I can second this suggestion, I didn't have any luck with online dating because I'm bad about writing profiles and taking pictures that represent myself well, but I met lots of women and my long term girlfriend through meetup events. Some people just do better interacting with people in person first, it's way more…
Hire a sex worker
Just the Disney First Citizen, please; she's very humble
Wyoming Teen uses Find Corpse! It's Super Effective!
Kind of a tangent, but I'm pissed that he has a very good chance of being my senator again. It blows my mind that the electorate could want him back in office when he barely showed up for work and revealed what an empty suit he is in the primary, but leave it to the Democratic party to make it super easy for him by…
Let's split up gang!
Of course, it's so obvious (if you are a crazy person)
"HBO confirms your Game of Thrones theory"
I think Dan was trying to make a point about not making assumptions about someone's sexuality; he assumed she was a lesbian and found out that wasn't the way she identified herself, so it was worth commenting about.
If Bran heard it from Old Nan it's very possible that Area would've heard that story too at some point- even if she forgot all the details it's hard to forget "someone gets baked into a pie".
I mean, for now. Once the next group of smelly peasants starts to annoy her though, Cersei may be awful tempted to go back to the WMD option now that she knows it's available.
I feel like Cersei is basically ruling King's Landing as a military dictatorship at this point. She probably doesn't have any real de jure legitimacy, but she just blew up everyone who had the force to contest that and still controls the Goldcloaks.
It makes the most dramatic sense for it to be Jamie; he'll at least be tempted to do it even if he doesn't end up following through.
On the next season, Sam repeatedly updates his livejournal account instead of working…
I totally played this soundtrack more than once during tabletop sessions, definitely. It's so epic, it really helped with immersion.
There was a scene early in the season with Qyburn talking to the orphan children who used to be Varys' spy network and promising them food in exchange for information- those were the"little birds" he was referring to.
Not that he needs the extra money, but GRRM could probably do an ad campaign where he just describes different breakfast cereals in unnecessarily detailed descriptions.