They are thousands of years old so they possibly have had it for a long time. That does raise a lot of questions about how they've maintained it for so long, but that's going down the road of either pointless minutiae or "a wizard did it".
They are thousands of years old so they possibly have had it for a long time. That does raise a lot of questions about how they've maintained it for so long, but that's going down the road of either pointless minutiae or "a wizard did it".
There was probably very little quality metal work north of the wall so it makes sense that the majority of wildling warbands have leather or padded armor. For the former Nights Watch troops metal armor was probably too expensive. I don't know why the northern troops didn't have it, maybe the troops who did were wiped…
In context it refers to the men marching under the banner of a vassal Lord pledged to one of the great houses. Since there were no standing armies in the middle ages men at arms had to be raised through levies from the territories of individual Lords.
Additionally if the show did that every week a portion of the audience would come up with obsessive theories about what Ramsay was up to and if he could break out of prison; it's better narratively for his story to be over.
I said the same thing to my brother yesterday, Ramsay probably would've been completely unwatchable under normal circumstances but Iwan Rheon played him in a very compelling way.
Sansa was very reluctant to accept help from Littlefinger- remember that when he offered to help her in person earlier this season she told him to get lost and threatened to murder him for being an untrustworthy snake. She only changed her mind when it was clear the northern forces wouldn't rally nearly enough troops.…
Clip shows are the worst, I'm glad very few shows try to pull that anymore.
He just got finished watching Prometheus
I agree that I never would have imagined that Dany and Yara would have had good scenes together, but they had pretty great dramatic chemistry.
"Young people these days really get my goat! Back in the day people respected the traditions of marriage and honor, but now they'll marry anyone they think is attractive! Even my own sons aren't much better… that's just my opinion!"
You'd think Ken Burns would be excited at the prospect of narrating the modern day Civil War following a Trump inauguration
I'm not sure it's a real madlibs if there's not at least one [fart] included
I thought that the subsequent invasions were also supposed to parallel British history, e.g. how the native British were invaded by Romans who were invaded by Anglo-Saxons who were invaded by Normans. Obviously the timeline is a lot more stretched out (but that's the same for the rest of world history in asoif too).
The infuriating thing is that she didn't take the photos, the same people would be saying "why isn't there any photographic evidence?" People are the worst.
She just loves all the attention from horrible garbage internet trolls and wanted to get more threatening comments
That bet should earn negative dollars
The only plan of Cersei's that ever works out is 'planning to drink more wine'.
I like the morally gray elements to the King's Landing plotlines this season a lot for that reason actually. The Sparrows and Nobles both have legitimate grievances and abhorrent behavior, so it's more interesting to me than the show just saying "these people are the good guys and these people are the bad guys".
With the amount of cocaine that was presumably in that room they would be really, really excited about just about anything.
Afghanistan definitely would've happened, but Bush pushed hard to invade Iraq. We might have had additional sanctions placed on Saddam but I find it hard to believe that Gore would've advocated a ground invasion of Iraq when it was unrelated to Bin Laden. Anyway, what happened is done so all we can do is make better…