I was living in Florida during the 2000 election, so I remember shouting at my friends who were voting for Nader; if about 600 dumb hippies had voted differently the last few decades would probably have been substantially different
I was living in Florida during the 2000 election, so I remember shouting at my friends who were voting for Nader; if about 600 dumb hippies had voted differently the last few decades would probably have been substantially different
Yes I am also disappointed in the actor unfortunately, when I heard the description for the character during the casting news it sounded much more exciting than what we've seen on screen. His delivery is alternately too passive and hammy, neither of which are good.
I mean as touching as that scene was, he's still firmly in the friend zone. Many basically promised him that "if you can do the impossible and find a cure to a possibly incurable disease then I'll let you come hang out with me while Daario and I make out, it'll be cool."
He is definitely the best part of the movie, I think of that scene every time I see some pretentious art film with a dream sequence.
What springs to mind is making fun of someone for being overweight. It may be objectively 'true' but it would still be a shitty thing to say.
“You want to know what the Sand Snakes, Prince Doran, Areo Hotah, Ellaria Sand, Darkstar, and the rest will be up to in WINDS OF WINTER?
Yeah I feel so bad for him! He's just a teenager trying to do his best, it's not his fault he was born into one of the worst families in Westeros.
And theories that everyone is secretly a Targaryen / Broken / Daario / See Pounce / etc…
It's cool, the spellcheck on my phone is horrible- thanks for pointing out the error, hopefully it'll be clear what I meant from the context because Disqus won't let me edit it.
I'm the same; I really wanted to love this movie because I love Kurt Russell and John Carpenter, but it's just so very bad.
I'm not an expert in Japanese history so hopefully someone more knowledgeable will elaborate, but it's my understanding that the Ainu were the indigenous people of Hokkaido island and that the rest of Japan was settled in subsequent migrations. What I do know is that despite being ethically indistinguishable from the…
Uh, I normally support this line of argument, but you are taking it way too far. There is absolutely systemic discrimination of minorities in Asian cultures, for example the way aboriginal Japanese people (Ainu) are treated in Japan or North Korean refugees are exploited in China.
It says something about Game of Thrones tinfoil theories that this is far from the craziest or most implausible theory I've ever read.
No One is one of my Hate Songs because there was this awful woman at work who would sing it at full volume especially off key multiple times per day. Also I don't like songs with shifting octaves very . So I have complicated feelings about Alicia Keys; I assume she's otherwise nice and talented.
That's how I read that scene too; Roose definitely planned to kill Ramsay off sooner or later, but he expected he had more time and that Ramsay wouldn't have been so crazy and short-sighted as to knife him in public like that.
I'd honestly like to see this just to see internet bigots lose their damn minds again.
That's what bothered me too, it seemed out of left field for Davos to ask that for any reason beyond "that's what needs to happen for the plot to advance".
I read on Politico the other day that his former speechwriter for the previous Coorespondent's dinner stated that while he doesn't write the majority of the material afterwards he would go through and modify the jokes substantially (ad-libbing, adding pauses, changing phrasing, etc) which he claimed made the jokes…
I predict that they'll stop the Walkers eventually, otherwise it'll basically invalidate everything that happened in the story prior to that; but there will probably be significant losses or comprimises from named characters.
That's the one concern I have with that theory. The other was that even if they defeat all the White Walkers it might make the Night's Watch unnecessary or irrelevant.