LCD Death Panel

Someone said that they thought the show was setting up Davos to be the new Lord Commander of the Night's Watch at the end of the plot, which makes sense to me based on his interactions with the other Watchmen last week.

True, they definitely should have let you respec your characters after they became Jedi. Mira is especially egregious because you can end up spending a majority of her levels on poor feats in order to just survive her fight with Hanharr, which makes her a subpar Jedi later.

If they did ever make a new Star Wars RPG it would be pretty neat if they adapted a Fantasy Flight Games RPG, I've been watching a couple Age of Rebellion and Edge of the Empire playthroughs lately and they seem pretty awesome. I especially like the way Force and Destiny handles the Force (where tapping into the

I agree, I always have more fun in Paradox games when I give up on the idea of "winning and conquering everything" and just focus on the stories that are emerging through play about my family or country.

They tried to do something similar to that in Pillars of Eternity where if you used the same dialogue options often enough you'd get a reputation as "aggressive" or "logical" or "stoic", etc. It mostly impacted NPCs more than companions but it was an interesting idea.

Maybe a spiritual successor at some point once enough time has passed and Disney sees some profit in people's nostalgia, but I wouldn't hold your breath about it happening soon. As others have mentioned TOR pretty much killed the ability for an actual KOTOR sequel to be made.

With the right feats a blaster using Jedi is incredibly lethal. I think I had Atton kill Soon in 2-3 turns with dual mandolorian blasters, master force speed and rapid shot, and some ranks in precise shot, but I do admit that I knew about the fight in advance and planned for it.

Exit, pursued by a Bear

It's an easy mistake to make, they both are famous for shooting people in the face

They enjoy themselves like all good American teens: fireworks, getting soda pop at the corner shop with your best pals, hopscotch, vigorous blowjobs, winning the big game, church socials…

In Dorne dramatic irony is more important than sensible planning apparently. That's the only thing that explains their recent decision making.

Just like jumping into water, in real life jumping onto snow from a great night doesn't magically protect against gravity. But it's an acceptable break from reality since spending weeks watching Sansa and Then paralyzed wouldn't be interesting television.

I'm predicting Margaery will decide "if you can't beat them, join them" and make a completely insincere decision to "see the light" in order to save her brother and get out of jail.

Planning on a proper burial at Winterfell maybe? I don't know, I agree it's pretty contrived to keep them in the room with Jon for plot reasons.

You're preaching to the choir friend; Dorne is the worst, and if the writers are going to keep returning there I really hope there's some sort of point.

They only justified reason that I can see for this plot is that Jon swore an oath to the Night's Watch until "death". If he is killed and ressurected then technically he has fulfilled his oath and can leave the Wall without being an oath breaker. I agree that I'm a little sick of major character death " twists" in

I don't know if it was unnecessary since it proves Brienne's loyalty and value to Sansa, which Sansa questioned before. The fight probably could have been shorter though.

There were some mumblings of dissent within the room when Thorne revealed that they killed Jon, but it seemed to quiet down when he explained his position. David and friends might have found more support if the Watchmen discovered they were lied to about Jon's death, as it stands they're not happy but less likely to

What I've gathered from their interactions is that Roose doesn't care about Ramsey's sadism if it only affects him directly, but once it starts affecting the family and their legacy then Ramsey just becomes a liability again. And Roose does seem to be the one person Ramsey is both legit frightened of and cares about

Even if we were completely caught up, ID rather not hear hundreds of complaints about "this was so different in the books you guys, they changed this one unimportant character so much!" So I'm glad it's still separate, at least for now.