LCD Death Panel

I did respect him somewhat for owning up to the fact they killed Jon, I had assumed that they would have lied and blamed it on a scapegoat.

Now I'm imagining Jon "coming back" through some Weekend at Bernie's style antics where they just drag his corpse around everywhere and prop it up in comical poses.

Poor Jorah, he confirmed that he's aware he's permanently in the friend zone. Luckily his creeper powers allowed him to instantly find am article of Danerys' clothing in a field trampled by thousands of horses within 30 seconds.

I audibly groaned when the intro showed we would be spending more time in Dorne. Didn't the show waste enough time there last season? Plus with Doran and Tristan murdered it makes their plotlines even more pointless. This show better explain why we should care about all this, and soon.

If you can find the full version, the commentary track he made for the first episode (for a charity event) is really hilarious:

How the hell is NCIS still on the air? What could they possibly have left to Navy investigate (or whatever it is they do)?

He'd just increase the Washington gravy train with pork barrel spending and ignore bread and butter issues, so his candacy would be toast, which would leave America in a real pickle.

OK, I was just joking but that is honestly seriously impressive that he's that disciplined.

I've rarely seen him actually cook anything despite his many times claiming to do so

It depends on how you define nasty; she's definitely called and left messages that are inappropriate at least once, but that could be due to poor boundaries more than anything.

Actually those types of movies can be the best reboots (movies that had an interesting that didn't really work). I'm more perplexed by remakes of movies that were totally fine the first time.

Totally agree about Sharlto Copley, every time I see him in a role I think "why isn't he more famous?"

I kind of feel bad for Sean Young that she's not even being asked to make a cameo, but I understand that she is kind of a train wreck.

You can agree with all of the criticisms of the movie and still enjoy the film. Personally while I wish they were more experimental with the story I liked the characters a lot and was entertained during the whole film.

His name already makes him sound like a Star Wars character, so why not.

God dang it, Donald

If they really want to copy the games, they should release the exact same movie every few years with the only difference being what color the case is

*12 Years Later…*

He knew Obi Wan had the high ground, so at that point his injuries were just reckless personal endangerment. Our imperial tax credits shouldn't have to pay for that.

"Wow, I was really curious about this because C3PO is my favorite character!" - No one ever