Dwarf Fortress' controls are completely impossible for me to understand, but I really like seeing other people make sense of the complete madness going on in Let's Plays.
Dwarf Fortress' controls are completely impossible for me to understand, but I really like seeing other people make sense of the complete madness going on in Let's Plays.
Also the focus of the scene with Lapti Nek is on Jabba and the denizens of the palace, whereas the focus in the Jedi Rocks scene is so aggressively obnoxiously "HEY LOOK AT ALL THESE WACKY CGI CHARACTERS AREN'T THEY GREAT?!"
I don't think it's entirely his fault; the writers barely gave Han Solo anything to do in that movie except run around and act dumb.
Jedi Rocks is cinematic poison. And Greedo shooting first of course.
It's so they can pretend to give a shit about gun safety without having to actually do anything tangible about it (it's very similar to "Say No to Drugs" campaigns).
That's swell, AV Club, but your little Muppet is STANDING IN THE MIDDLE OF AFGHANISTAN
Look, Johnny Depp is an honorary mouse and really respects their heritage so it's ok
Isn't like 50 percent of that movie just French people saying "causality" over and over?
Shows like The Last Kingdom and Vikings show sexual violence and barbarism all the time, but no one has a problem with that (at least not to the same extent) because unlike Game of Thrones it's not used for plot development or to titilate the audience. So I think arguing that it's fine because it's "historical" misses…
Dragons, tits and draagonns, tits and dragons…
I agree, I liked how game they were to play around and have fun. It seems like sometimes AV Club interviews people for 11 questions who are very dour and miserable and unwilling to answer silly questions, but they were completely willing to have fun which was cool.
Martin has also been a real gift to the catering business
They are pretty cute, but they have the same problem as pandas in that they'd be extinct without human intervention as they're dumb as hell (the population has increased a lot in recent years though)
Less than you would think actually
How far did you get? I've always felt that the latter half is a lot more interesting than the beginning.
I liked it too. It's pretty hokey and low budget in places, but at least it actually feels like Dune when watching it (as opposed to when I saw the film and thought "what the hell am I watching?")
Agreed; calling Trump Hitler is really just a shorthand for calling him 'very bad' in a way that the majority of the public (who lack a sophisticated knowledge of history) can understand. Yes it's hyperbolic, but it gets the point across.
Some historians have made comparisons to George Wallace, Huey Long, and similar American populist demagogues.
Same here, I spent a month slogging through the book, and despite a few very high points for the majority of the time it was just a big confusing mess that alternately manages to feel both overstuffed and rushed in some places.
To be fair, that's probably still true either way