There are still so many types of cakes left to describe in excruciating detail.
There are still so many types of cakes left to describe in excruciating detail.
It's a hard show to summarize. The closest I could get is maybe a mix of Archer, Gravity Falls, and Aqua Teen Hunger Force, and even that isn't exactly accurate.
I don't really think it's comparable to be honest. As much as I enjoy making fun of him, Christopher Tolkien may have made some poor choices regarding compiling his father's notes, but he does seem to be primarily concerned with his father's legacy. Meanwhile Brian Herbert is squeezing every drop of fanfiction…
Kaitlyn Olsen yelling will never not be funny to me.
My favorite cutoway gag is still:
Farmer Giles of Ham: Episode VII
Hold me, like you did in that cornfield in Boise
It'll feel twice as long either way due to being entirely in slow motion.
We're going to build the greatest Neutral Zone the Alpha Quadrant's ever seen, and make the Klingons pay for it
Fair enough, but at least you're voting for someone who represents your values; I have a hard time believing that a significant portion of Bernie's supporters would suddenly flip to a candidate like Trump.
So much this, this country would be so much better off right now if all the liberals who claim to care so much about politics actually bothered to vote in mid-term and local elections.
There's no way Trump will win the general election because his unfavorables are too high (particularly with Hispanic voters), but along the way he'll do a lot of damage by continuing to give a mouthpiece to racist lunatic fringe groups.
Even if there are some bandwagon idiots who would do that, polling thus far has shown that most Bernie voters would reluctantly vote for Clinton in the general election if given no other option.
I am not a hateful person, but Rick Scott is my governor too and I have never wished more for anyone to be hit by a truck or launched out of a catapult than him.
Flakey people tend to stay flakey later on. I know it's frustrating/annoying/disheartening etc when someone ghosts on you, but I try to look at it as if they're doing you a favor in that at least you don't have to waste your time with them now.
If you've never seen the remix of it, it's actually really good:…
I like it a lot! But I've never read the books so I don't know if that would make a difference in how I perceive it.
11 Times Emmanuel Goldstein Was Doubleplusbad
The real Piper got involved with advocacy for prisoners after being released from jail, so even if she is released she could still be involved with the prisoners at Litchfield. I admit that plotline may not make for good television.
A decade ago evangelicals claimed they would never vote for a Mormon or someone who didn't attend church regularly over a devout Christian, but they sure seemed to overcome that resistance when Romney and Ryan were running against Obama. I doubt Rubio's religious beliefs will present a real problem for him.