LCD Death Panel

Speaking as one of his constituents, Rubio is just as big of a neocon jerk as Cruz is (politically they're almost identical), he just hides it better because he's more charismatic and isn't despised by the majority of his party. On the one hand I'm glad he won't be my senator for much longer, but I don't like that he

Winning it is fun when you get into a lucky run when everything is going your way or when your adventurers succeed despite impossible odds. Even losing it can be fun sometimes in the same way that an XCOM wipe can be entertaining or challenging. I've definitely ragequit a few times when the game turns against me, but

Yet somehow it will still be less dangerous for children than attending Hogwarts.

Sam Slipper is degrading the grammatical principles that sentences are built upon.

I used to work the overnight shift at my former job, and while we were doing our paperwork we would have the television on to stay awake. Most television that is on at 3 in the morning is unwatchable shlock, but HH marathons were inoffensive enough to have on in the background but just interesting enough to stay

2 Blade Runners: Less Irritation

Those movies never get nominated either, they cast too many ethnic actresses like Emma Stone.

TRUST NO ONE (at the FOX Network to pay you fairly)


Güd gryf, Chärlybraün!

Yeah, I am nerdy enough to have read all of the extra background fluff too, and while it is a very neat explanation it doesn't forgive the writers of The Force Awakens for not including any of that in the actual film.

"shrink the roles of some new characters we haven’t seen yet"

Supposedly there were about 30 minutes cut from the film, some of which explained the political situation and fallout better. I get that they didn't want to slow the pace of the film too much but there were definitely points where even a few extra seconds of exposition would've been helpful.

Trump and Palin are natural allies due to their shared values of getting the attention of the media by being totally obnoxious and taking money from idiots.

One of the many reasons I miss O'Neal was his snark-shaming of anyone who didn't bother to read the article and skipped straight to incoherent rage or making an obvious joke.

I've done this before and it usually happens like you said, that I upvote before reading the whole comment and the rest of it is not funny or offensive. But since I'm very free with upvotes the comment has to turn out really badly for me to do that (e.g. I thought the poster was being sarcastic but from context it

The good thing about Louie is that while other shows like Game of Thrones have to worry about their young actors getting too old, he could easily recast his kids as different actors, different genders, or different ethnicities and no one would bat an eye about it (I do hope they keep the same girls though because

12 Monkeys was way better than it should have been. When I first heard it was being made into a series I thought it would be horrible, but I was completely hooked throughout the season.

- David Cameron

I really hope that's the case, the way that he was quoted makes it very ambiguous. Maybe the AV Club is waiting to post a Newswire about it once we have more clarity. I would understand if George Miller were frustrated by the process of working on Fury Road, but since he made one of the best action films in decades