Slutty Flight Attendant

why does every hoe on avc have that style avatar now? did you all decide on that during your latest doubles tennis match?

oh wait that was Mates of State. but pass on these guys too.

I hope they read this so they know how shitty they are.

i saw these guys at All Points West last year. they were boring and generic. like the kind of music you would expect on the soundtrack of Little Miss Sunshine or something. pass.

GOOD TIMES!!! I hit up that shit when I was visiting my friend in Denver. Bleu cheese burger with fried onion rings on it was the shit, dog.

Hardly-to-no mention of
Mew, Japandroids, Vivian Girls, DJ Rupture… Stage B was where the party was for most of the festival and you guys barely spoke of it! Stage A was standing behind obnoxious hipster clones with their short shorts, Wavves haircuts, laceless Vans and flourescent wayfarers. I had never heard or

See the movie and then get back to us, dan and lex. It's fucking brilliant.

You never called, fucker!!!


Lighten the fuck up, people. 90% of these clowns deserve to be shamed in public.

That is a very sensible explanation. Grazie.

Very iiinteresting, Existence.

I might be wrong about that repeatedly looping the escape thing. There is definitely that full circle thing going on, though.

Balthazar's Secret
I hope this isn't too late in the comments to get noticed, but one mystery in this film eludes me. Balthazar's character had an incident, or a secret of some kind. His parents make reference to it, and I think his girlfriend does as well, but it's never revealed. I think it may have something to do

Thank you for mentioning the last scene, rimage — I was afraid no one else was going to. He is absolutely frying in that chair in those last 5 seconds. You can see his face melting and the smoke rising off of him in that driver's seat. His mind was looping his escape until the inexorable conclusion, so in actuality,

I've been waiting for this for so long
I love this movie.

Millenial Honey in King Tut's Tomb
Tom Waits is God.

I shit you not
Joan Rivers Bot looks exactly like Nancy fucking Pelosi.

Sweet song

Oh Clueless, don't be such a cunt!