
Also "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom."

The original "Evil Dead" was a competent, low-rent horror flick. Then I watched "Evil Dead 2," and at first I was a little miffed — hey, this is the exact same movie as the other one! — but I noticed how it was better in just about every respect, from the resources and the imagination to the directing style and

By the way, it's "Bush v. Gore," not "vs." Courts don't do "vs." Just the "v." For future reference.

Ironically, Worst.Hitler.Ever missed the subtlety of Dr.Robuttnik's subtlety comment.

Douchey: "You are about the biggest leering sex-obsessed jerk-off on this site."

Stacy, honey, you need to stop.

The real problem with the central conceit of this film is that if everyone could go around using surrogates instead of their actual bodies, then the world would be full of surrogate Brad Pitts and Angelina Jolies with a sprinkling of Jennifer Anistons and Japanese schoolgirls.

This Fox-boobies-vs.-Jolie-boobies thing bores me. I'd like to see this movie if only to confirm that Dana Stevens (movie critic for Slate.com) is a total douche, because she thought the movie was fantastic.

"I Spit On Your Grave" is the worst date-movie ever. No viewer will get laid until at least 24 hours have passed from the end credits, and it will be by mutual consent.

I just realized that Kathy Griffin is now auditioning to take over Joan Rivers' spot in the comedy pantheon once Rivers finally dies from plastic poisoning.

They already did that, but with young girls vs. "cougars."

So look like you need one of those new Taco Bell burritos. Next aisle over.

"I haven't been fucked like that since grade school."

That bitter taste in your mouth? It's my vomit.

Foreigner Belt: Pipe down before ZMF comes around and slaps around your bitch ass for trying to ape his shtick.

There were two moments that I'll always remember about Michael Jackson. The first was when he first did the Moonwalk — I think it was during the MTV Music Video Awards or some show. That's when I realized that this guy was the consummate entertainer and light-years ahead of his peers. The second was the "Black or

Steve Dave: The whole point of the grunge scene, including Nirvana, was that they looked like everyone else. Being sort of young at the time they came out, I can attest to that. Thus, they clearly did not have the image factor — if anything, they were consciously anti-image. They completely rejected the notion that

Well, my post provoked more commentary than I expected.

There are cycles with these things. Guns n' Roses saved rock n' roll for a bit, but then Nirvana and grunge destroyed it again.

I thought this was about the new Mary Carey movie.