
Well, that may explain it. Who do they think they are, Nirvana?

Morello is the modern Jimmy Page — a guitarist with a whole heap of tricks up his sleeve just doling them out bit by bit. Unlike Page's dabbling in mysticism, Morello's politics are just irritating, although cheerfully ironic given his success in the capitalist system. If he really practiced what he preached, he'd

Clavis: To be fair, we lawyers can often be caught staring at a piece of evidence for weeks before the full importance of it becomes clear — the "aha!" moment that syncs up with the other evidence in the case to result in a discovery. Vinny might not have known as much about cars as his girlfriend, but he knew this

I'm billing the A.V. Club $300/hour for my time contributing to their comments section. That's at a 33 percent discount.

"A Few Good Men" does have some good cross-examination in it. There were a couple of things about the movie that were terribly unrealistic from a pure lawyer point of view:

"A Few Good Men" features solid opening arguments. Speaking as a litigator myself, a lot of people don't get the difference between opening argument and closing argument. Opening argument is about nothing but the facts — "this is what you're going to hear about." Closing argument is where you merge the facts as

Cosmic Encounter is also a fun game, although winning it owes more to pure luck than skill.

Derek: Puerto Rico and Settlers are very different games. The basic strategy of Settlers is to maximize your odds of harvesting a variety of resources so that you can build/buy things, and try to cut off the ability of others to do the same. Puerto Rico, however, demands that you modify your strategy as the game

I'm still trying to figure out why the HK contestants are so bad, or whether there is something going on in that show that makes decent chefs look like idiots. Even when the challenge is to "make your signature dish," so often the results are horrible. I can't imagine that anyone who has ever been on HK could last

I've always prefered the basic Settlers to Cities and Knights. In Cities, someone usually gets hosed by the barbarians early on and spends the game playing patsy.

The real point of "The Sims" is to dispel the "grass is greener" notion that people have in thinking that their current life is boring and trite and everyone else is living a vibrant and exciting life. No, indeed, everyone is living a boring and trite life. Even the rock star that seems to be having the time of his

I guess it could have been worse. He could have had a heart attack while being pegged by a Thai ladyboy or something. But death by autoerotic asphyxiation is pretty damn humiliating.

Arsenio: Trolls take a big smelly dump, stop up the toilet, and let it overflow so it gets everyone's shoes wet.

I view the A.V. Club comments section as a giant public bathroom with a thousand stalls, each commenter occupying a stall, and shouting their opinions over and under their stall's makeshift metal walls to the others.

Carradine (in an AV Club interview): "I still would say 'Being There' is a better swan song. I'd want something like that to be my last movie, like it was Peter [Sellers]'s."

I really dig Hal Hartley's movies. I think "Trust" was my first exposure, followed by "Henry Fool." I saw "No Such Thing" in the theatre. All of them are excellent, but the ending to "Henry Fool" pushes it to the top of the list.

Given that we know that Parker and Stone are capable of skewering with a rapier wit when they feel like it, it says something in itself when they decide to subject a particular character to the most juvenile degradation: "This person isn't worth it." If I were the butt of fat jokes and blown up on one of their shows,

So…this is "High School Musical" for people with taste? Is that it?

Don't worry. The pilot will be re-aired several times before the new episodes run.

In Mexico, they also have a version of the Bloody Mary called a "Vampire," with tequila instead of vodka. Your mileage may vary.