Reuben Lowe

I spent my whole time watching wondering why noone was coming up with vagina-related puns. The best I could do was haute cooch-ure.

Yea, no way I think he was actually raped, just humiliated. Daniel raping him would be out of context for the character that has been developed thus far and Ted would have had to shown signs of pain surely. I just think the coffee was some bizarre object of convenience to totally freak Ted out.

@avclub-7aee1b75b527e215f31e20a5c4e7a768:disqus While I certainly think its true that Houston did not have the cultural impact of Madonna or MJ (or even the quality of song), I believe that for singers, Houston is pretty much the modern benchmark for singing ability and in that sense, a club of singers who have kinda

@avclub-d35d0af0d2a70c049bbedcb88e25ef28:disqus But apparently its just as long. This game will never end.

He annoys me immensely. I think it's because everything he does in terms of behaviour seems just the wrong side of the authentic-fake divide. It's as if he studied a text book to become who he is and decided he had to walk just so and talk just so and say certain things to fit into whatever Garry Marshallesque gay

I dunno, I am kinda in the same boat as Craig. It's not so much that I only listen for the Maltin game, but it does feel like some kind of payoff, such that if the game wasn't at the end, I would be less inclined to listen. Without the game, I think the podcast would have to be a lot more structured to be palatable

Cosign on this. I don't know what version of the show Tasha is watching where Walt is occasional badass rather than irrational egoist, but I have never seen it. Walt spends significant portions of time convincing himself that he is more than he is, so much so that he literally assumes a fictional character equipped

How you just describes Silas, is the opposite of shrewd as best I can tell. I don't expect that he could foresee everything that happened, but surely you would expect that anyone with a brain cell, who just had their mother released from a 3 year stretch in prison, has had their life threatened numerous times, has had

You know a show is doing something right…
…when you know full well everything that is going to happen and you are still 100% into it. I love that Owen asked the woman if she was ok right after he ploughed through her. Did I cheer in half awake, horizontal from my bed? Yes, I did.

A whole lot of nothing happening
It really just feels like a lot of wheel spinning at the moment and no story progression. Maybe that is more realistic, but its certainly less interesting. How much longer are we supposed to watch this sappy bastard of a husband get fooled into this happy families bullshit? The series

Someone is going to change the BEP wikipedia page to everything Rabin just said right?

Count me in as a hater that still watches. My issue with the show is that it is schizophrenic. It really could be much more interesting, much better written, much better plotted, but it bogs itself down in trying to be cool and edgy and giving Duchovny someone else to sleep with or some new tits to show off. For all

What the OP said. When I saw the set up of checking the heart monitor as Nora(h) walked in, I already started cringing and then when Lily actually verbalized "your heart literally skipped a beat," I figuratively threw up. And then literally threw up.

I am actually now terribly disappointed that the film is not really about an emoticon that comes to life. I am also questioning why I assumed Miley Cyrus playing an emoticon was totally plausible.

Let me join the chorus of voices who think that saying "there's a fundamental lack of chemistry between Roday and Dule Hill" is absolutely mental. The only possible explanation for this is that you don't regularly watch the show and have only seen a handful of episodes.