
I don't know, I laughed my ass off to the point I thought it at least deserved a B- if not C+.

I thought it was that he was spending an inordinate amount of time preparing to "go thermonuclear" in taking legal action against Google for their supposed plagiarism of iOS (which would not only have been a frivolous suit, but was quite hypocritical of Jobs imo)

Except the writer wasn't making any case against The Wire (acknowledging that's already unarguably classic), but using it as an example of a show he's arguing Breaking Bad is redundant and ultimately inconsequential in comparison to.

I see Skyler as always having been a bit quirky but almost always a sympathetic character. She hits the right balance of naivete and not believing Walt's bullshit, and after being hurt, permanently somewhat skeptical and on the verge of being antagonistic (like her complete mistrust of him and defiance all the time

Super disagree with his classification of Jane as any sort of pixie dream girl stereotype (and I really *ahem* dislike this stereotype of a trope/trope that is possibly a legit stereotype (the characters that fit a schema that inspired someone to create it, the name for it, the stereotype itself, and all the

I thought Hank's character got a lot of depth added to it in the arc where he was bed-ridden and majorly depressed, and highlighted serious marital problems which were the x-factor for triggering a relapse of Marie's dysfunctional, pathological behavior as an escape mechanism, and none of this seemed contrived or

I really dislike Weeds and have long ago given up on it (mid Season 3) and have never looked back, and one of the reasons was that I started to find Nancy's character (among others in the show) so loathsome that I didn't want to sit and follow her on her crazy adventures. The reason I'm commenting here is to point

Throwing out the idea that Walt's having to use a tire iron to get back into his old home (and perhaps as a weapon once he's inside) and spare change he happened to have in his pocket to unscrew the socket (rather than an actual appropriate tool, as opposed to something like MacGyver having to work with what's

I'd really super like to think that the reason the youtube video posted for "Believe" at the top of this article is coming up as "This video does not exist" has something to do with this interview being written out and published.

I'd really super like to think that the reason the youtube video posted for "Believe" at the top of this article is coming up as "This video does not exist" has something to do with this interview being written out and published.

I'm proud to say that, as a person who grew up in the 90's, that I never wanted to have anything to do with, for example, a ten-foot pole that could even get close to touching the piece of shit that was this band.

I'm probably not correct, but this seems like a prank in that someone else put her up to sending this to Sub-Pop.  My basis for this theory is that if she had done the research on whom to contact herself (ie, visited Wikipedia), she would have probably not been able to avoid finding out about Cobain's ending it all or