Baron Von Costume

Farewell and adieu to ye fair slutty ladies. Farewell and adieu to you ladies from Manhattan…

I clicked on this thinking there would be a lively discussion about Metallica.

Say what you will, but I can't think of another band that so completely encapsulated the 80's love affair with the clarinet as Van Halen did on Diver Down.

It's about four straight women who talk like gay men.

The main character's blank, soulless eyes keep staring at me from the back seat of that cab on the commercials. Black eyes, like a doll's eyes.

I only hope that somewhere in Ernie Hudson's impassioned speech to congress as he lays out the case for a full on coup, he says, "I've seen shit that would turn you WHITE!" 

I demand that Chris Parnell play Fred Rogers in the gritty biopic we've all been waiting for.

Doesn't anyone remember what happened the last time Bill Pullman was president? Wake up, America!

I do hope Franklin Comes Alive is the soundtrack.

I can't be the only one who still has nightmares from Katy Perry's movie, can I?

I maintain that nobody really enjoys playing Monopoly.

I think the review "Play Enjoyed By All" speaks for itself.

Justin Bieber is an exiled alien who feeds off the screams of teenage girls. Unless you have a better explanation.

I'm sensing a spin off!

He's gettin' too old for this.

Heathcliff is a poor man's Garfield.

Sheldon is the new Hawkeye Pierce, minus the martinis and lechery.

Aggravatin' my sciatica!

They're the original odd couple!

"He said the sheriff is near!"