
Was it really some Joss Whedon thing? 'Cause I was not feeling that double-breasted suit at all. Ew.

You need to read in the bathroom—and take your time. Anything less than 15 mins, and you're not doing it right.

The Fresh Prince episodes where Will Smith meets his truck driver dad or where Will and Carlton get mugged at the ATM and Will gets shot get my vote.

V. sad news re: KK. So sad. Really. Can't write full words or sentences. Hadn't mentioned before, but would bone her w/no condom.

Was a good episode, but KK will be back—AND IT WILL BE GREAT.

Late to the party
1. I feel like I single-handedly got this show renewed by watching the shit out of it on OnDemand.

Now I feel bad for saying that about Ali Adler's writing credits, 'cause it's not like I've ever had an tv jobs.

Duders, all I'm saying is that nothing happened on last night's Chuck that made me think of Ali Alder. But, because she means so much to you, I am now going to go watch that one episode of Commander in Chief that she wrote and have my mf mind blown.

It's silly to care because I say it's silly to care. And, dudes, trust me, tv writing doesn't work like that. I would know. I've seen lots of television.

Who the hell is Ali Adler? Do you really pay attention to that stuff? Are you also one of those people who say Conan gets a lifetime pass for writing the Monorail episode?

Fuck. This isn't deliberate. My mouse is screwy.

I will always read…
ANY comment by Roneesh. I love that dude. No bullshit. He uses his real name AND photo—unless he doesn't really look like that, and he's just some white dude subverting stereotypes or something.

I will always read…
ANY comment by Roneesh. I love that dude. No bullshit. He uses his real name AND photo—unless he doesn't really look like that, and he's just some white dude subverting stereotypes or something.

I will always read…
ANY comment by Roneesh. I love that dude. No bullshit. He uses his real name AND photo—unless he doesn't really look like that, and he's just some white dude subverting stereotypes or something.

That Undercutters Pizza bit was great, because it really showed off his Canadian-ness. Tom Green was all about pushing buttons, but when threatened with violence (that dude had a hammer), he broke character and told his cameraman to run.

Wrong. It's Tobias Funke. Comedy cancer.

Are you kidding? This chick has way too many freckles to be considered hot. Though I would break one off inside of Carol Vessey.

Need to know
Was this a phoner or where you actually in the room with her? If so, does she smell good, and did you touch her?

Need to know
Was this a phoner or where you actually in the room with her? If so, does she smell good, and did you touch her?

Need to know
Was this a phoner or where you actually in the room with her? If so, does she smell good, and did you touch her?