
He looks like like he was modeled after Mitch Hedburg

I wouldn't call 4th Time Around a parody.

In "Bob Dylan" it sounds like 21-year-old doing an impression of an old, black man. It's fucking awesome, though.

the tour guide did mention this when Marge called him pushy. Also, there was the whole thing with "Your American tax dollars at work", which could easily be related to Israel's foreign-policy with it's neighbors

If you've ever met an Israeli or an arab, you know that they have very different accents, and that Baron Cohen's accent wasn't "generic middle eastern", but a fairly solid Israeli.

What the hell is wrong with you people? This episode was hilarious. It was way better than that ridiculous "Past-Lisa frees slaves" episode.

yeah, I always feel a little guilty laughing at their bits.

You hate comedy if:
You didn't laugh at everything that David Liebe Hart did.
The way he waved his gun around was only beat by the way he yelled "GOTCHA".

This is sort of weird, as I was listening to Hatful of Hollow on the way into work this morning, but yeah, that would definitely be my number 1 b-side collection.

I went "awwwww"

@lobsters 1: It was written by Townshend, but we can qualify it as a Who song, because they recorded it as a band before he did it solo (was it on Scoop?).

Can we change destiny, or does fate control us?
The answer is "yes"
Perhaps, by giving us both of these outcomes, the message is that both are possible. It's kind of a koan.

I also took the pill this week.
God. Damn. I can't have a single discussion now without using the phrase "It's like that time on The Wire…"

littlealex,You are right about true pizza being by the pie, and I believe the pizza place on 23rd is Papou's Pizza, unless there is another that i am forgetting.