I am known by many names....

I quite liked Vin Diesel
and now I can't really understand why. Was it Pitch Black? Has he been in anything else watchable?

The wack bit was when the scummy diseased king is all, Hey, I totally order you to marry my hot sister and become king, but Orlando is like, No way dude, that's not how I role. What a gay.

Professional idiot Fred Durst has the biggest pile of shit splashed over him
Portraits of Kurt Cobain and Elvis Presley. What a moron.

Do you enjoy corporate in your butt?

I'm just going to say it….
… kind of because I'm drunk, but -

That is terrible. I thought we left shit like that in the 80's.

Nah, that wouldn't be spiraling, it would be more like weaving. And still not going up. Unless you were going uphill.

Also: suck on it, biches.

Lamest comment ever
The phrase 'spiraling out of control' describes things plummeting towards the earth, eg planes, not things rising ever upwards, eg national debts.

bunch of fakers. i, on the other hand, am single and so really drunk. But in the way of drunks, i have become good at hiding it from others.

Remember the days
when AVClub articles used to get 3 comments?

Dude, retarded is not the preferred nomenclature.

Goddamn lactards taking all our jobs.

Do we need to censor 'retard'?
I mean, I understand "the N word", but retard is ok, surely?

Nah, they're all great.

Your Favourite Band Sucks
Damn you Heller, I just paused QOTSA to listen to that.

The main page was all scrolling green text. Thought I was The One for a minute there. Then stupid realty asserted itself.

Sufficiently awesome
My beer addled memory reckons that phrase came from The Best Web Page In The Universe.

I'm always impressed by the bit where Dylan Moran gets his guts ripped out.

That pilot-
I'd love to see this remake pilot, has anyone pirated it yet?