I am known by many names....

If you want to know which staffer is secretly ZMF, you just need to answer the question: who wasn't at the taste test?
Kyle Motherfucking Ryan.
I imagine he was hiding in some closet with a laptop tapping out caps-locked madness.

Want to hear something stupid? I'm, like, late twenties, and I only just found out that original batman series was meant to be funny.
I always thought it was just really really bad.

Crap. Where's the delete button?
Screw you guys, I'm going home.

Is she in this game? She should be.
Certainly owned some Argentinian ASS.

Is she on this game? I don't know. But she should be.
She certainly owned those Argies' ass.

Margaret Thatcher BITCH

Nathan, you should have just said: Fuck you.

Ahem. I'm sure I'm not the first to ask this, but any chance of having these audio files transcribed? I can't really listen to them at work. And I'll be damned if I look at a computer when I'm at home.

No offense to Maggie, but -
The amount of praise lavished on actors is really out of all proportion with their actual importance. When was the last time a medical researcher or, you know, one of those wierd people that try and help others got this kind of respect?
Never, that's when.
Not that I really care, you