
You found Littlefinger to be gray at some point? I realise that in Game of Thrones we're grading on a curve, but what with the sick, sad Catelyn obsession transferred with rather icky enthusiasm to dim little mini-Catelyn, and the relentless social climber inferiority complex justification for being a manipulative

Few thoughts, more or less at random:

Lannister family get-togethers are just such a delight. Tywin is such a gloriously unmitigated bastard. I saw where he was going with Sansa and Tyrion right away. But the highlight was when Cersei realized she was being screwed over as well. Didn’t see that coming. I am a bit curious why Tywin thinks marrying his


@avclub-2462a76f718c97cfa773e42865b6ae51:disqus : Notwithstanding the shout-outs to various Chicago landmarks, I don’t think Ferris Bueller’s Day Off makes any pretentions to realism. I’ve always looked at it as the absurdist, farcical extension of the “John Hughes ’80s  High School Universe,” itself an already fairly

I certainly agree with Phanatic and Overthinker on the subject of demanding dramatic realism in a fantastic setting. In fact, any fictional narrative or drama is an artificial construct, be it Star Wars or Ferris Bueller’s Day Off. The measure of its success isn’t how accurately it reflects the real world—that’s a

I have no idea; the kids stopped talking to me some time ago. At 39, I've apparently already descended into crotchety, Grandpa-Simpson-esque pointlessness. That's why I post stuff here, where my tendency to discourse obsessively on half-remembered irrelevancies is an asset.

The one who devours the heart of Cheney becomes possessed by the mad, vengeful soul of Margaret Thatcher, so—no.

I understand bitcoins are used mostly to purchase illegal drugs. If I'd known you could get them from the AV Club, I'd have starting trolling for likes months ago.

You're not fooling me with your gimmick account, Ron Paul! Babble all you want, the Internet isn't going back to the Gold Standard!

And so now to matters actually having to do with this episode.

So in matters completely peripheral to this episode of GOT:

I thought Anna Maxwell Smith was pretty good as the lead in Bleak House, which I at least thought was a pretty good Dickens adaptation.

@avclub-9ff7c9eb9d37f434db778f59178012da:disqus Couple points against that—

I'm assuming as soon as she owns all the unfailingly obedient soldiers and trainees and the city owns none, they go to work on the slaver dude.

"What did you say to them?"

See this Trek reference? Now that's a nice Trek reference.

First time I read it I thought it said, "Bet Your Baby."


Or possibly he meant that his job was "commit humiliating acts of idiocy in the national spotlight," in which case, yes, dying because you and your two friends are too stupid to open the window as your car fills up with exhaust fumes does constitute accidently dying while you do what you did for a living.