I never liked Ted before season 6, but he's probably my favorite character now.
I never liked Ted before season 6, but he's probably my favorite character now.
She was very briefly married to his brother though. Might be just enough wincest to get Tommen hard.
Yeah it really doesn't matter, but he seems just slightly younger than Joffrey as opposed to much younger. Again, not important, just threw me off at first.
No need, I bet he came as soon as she sat on the bed.
Margaery's really gunning for Tywin's job, eh?
Yeah, he's definitely supposed to be younger than he looks in the show. He seems like he's 13-14. Which is a big difference at that age.
Don't blame the poor cat. Tommen is still too much of a momma's boy to be seduced by Margaery
And Cutler has a stake in SC&P, being a partner and all. It would be a bold move to do that just to spite another partner, but to a non-partner?
Seems like a bad move though. Crane's department is the way of the future, and he's good at his job. "Adequate" might be OK for Don's old job, but probably not here.
That seems like a bold move that could potentially reflect poorly on the company. All that just to take Crane down a notch? Cutler has a stake in the company, Crane doesn't.
Can I just say that I love how a commenter named Harry Crane is resentful of Joan, and a commenter named Roger is sticking up for her?
I have to imagine that's the type of contract reformation that needs to be in writing. I wouldn't be surprised if it were unenforceable in real life. But in this world, who knows.
I also think that, despite Don being a complete dickwad to Ted last season, that Ted is the type of guy Don can win over to his side if he shows his reformation.
Yeah this season, at least to me, is really firing on all cylinders. Last week's episode is easily now one of my top 5 of the series. Really promising start after my mild disappoint with season 6.
It's just not accurate to say that she sold herself for no positive outcome at all. It's what earned her a partnership. This is an instance of grievances against people not being purely rational as much as anything.
Don and Peggy have a lot of issues built up over the years; I think coming back is just the straw that broke the camel's back. The SCDP-CGC merger was mutually beneficial for a lot of people, I don't think it's fair or rational to pin her coming back to SCDP on Don. Although emotions aren't rational, that's a far less…
Damn I thought Eisenhower lived a little longer
Never should've taken the job. Should've told them to keep paying him or buy him out.
Does anyone else have re-"authenticate" every hour or so? I hate how I don't just stay logged in for the purposes of commenting.
More of a general grievance than you.