
Wow.  I think I just realized that I agree.  I like Steve Buscemi tremendously, but it's hard to argue with the contention that the most interesting scenes in this show seldom have his character in them anymore.

Wow.  I think I just realized that I agree.  I like Steve Buscemi tremendously, but it's hard to argue with the contention that the most interesting scenes in this show seldom have his character in them anymore.

I know this critique is stale, but I still cannot get over how much they sound as if they've copied the Postal Service in every measurable way.  I know that Young cannot really help that his voice sounds so much like Gibbard's, but when you couple it with similar arrangements and progressions, it just appears

I know this critique is stale, but I still cannot get over how much they sound as if they've copied the Postal Service in every measurable way.  I know that Young cannot really help that his voice sounds so much like Gibbard's, but when you couple it with similar arrangements and progressions, it just appears

This story is cool because in video #2 we get to see who took video #1.

This story is cool because in video #2 we get to see who took video #1.

Seinfeld did much of the same non-paid product placement with Snapple, Kenny Rogers' Chicken, Saab, Porsche, etc. Snapple may have been the most egregious.

Wow…. "Batman Begins is s just about the worst film I ever saw".

Unfortunately for Eddie's comeback ambitions, I'm guessing that The Michael Jackson Store sold out of those crazy skin-tight red leather suits a long time ago.

Psychological Theories Collide
Superman became a super-phenomina during the depression. Millions of people, living in terrible times, looked to a fictional character who's abilities knew no bounds as a sort of feel-good inspiration that made the depression less…. depressing.

Living in south central Kansas, I guess I'm fortunate enough to have a good, local theatre chain with nice comfy seats and a good cross-section of "wider" release independent films, albeit a month or two after larger metros might get them.