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    Pregnant. Twins. She'll be back.

    No way you knew 3 days ago. You have to know by now.

    Shaw's gone for now, 'glass. Sarah Shahi is pregnant. Since she does her own stunts, the writers were forced to write her out of the show.
    No. We don't know she is truly dead! She's thinking she'll be back in two years, but will the show still be running in two years. Nolan said no on a long running show.

    No, Root, got the final decision/instructions. The simulations were the Machine thinking, "What if . . .?" How many times? 888,000+? I can't remember the scenario it decided on.

    I would agree. As Finch said, human nature, by definition, is unpredictable.

    Nah, I wrote too much. I already got the grade-rate I would give it confused.
    Either way, I don't know what going "meta" is, so I'll bow out.
    'Still don't care for Alexa. 'Always a bit too negative for my tastes as you all already know. I'll just watch the Season and keep my mouth shut.
    First, though, Phase One was

    Nothing "pushing the season forward?" What about "Phase One?"

    Yes, I'd give the show an "A," myself. They had a comic type guy on season 2, who was constantly getting into trouble. 'Can't recall his name; an Asian guy.

    Me too!

    Let's see . . . this was what? Episode 5. Since there are 22-23 shows in a season, then we're SIX short of "mid-season."
    So, from this, what can you tell me about Phase One? Oh! Didn't you notice or were you too preoccupied with the superficial stuff?

    I totally agree with you! 'Couldn't have put it better myself!

    Hey, It's not me doing the reviewing. Talk to Alexa if you don't like the review. If you do, so be it.
    The episode was fine with me. So be it, also, if you, as she, didn't care for it.

    Hey Alexa! I totally disagree with your conclusions in regard to this episode. For some reason you seem compelled to rate PoI in comparison to others, for example FOX's Sleepy Hollow or the Soprano's.
    Person of Interest stands alone and is incomparable! I sure miss the person who did the reviews last season. You, I

    I disagree. The show is building a new season! What do you think? It's going to suddenly "pop" into episode 22. Don't be "bored" be observant and notice things, which may be of interest in January or March! "C+" my a**!