The Tomfoolery of Professor Jo

The President of the United States…is a duck!?!

I find it hilarious that anyone even mildly resembling Dane Cook is a candidate for beatin' of the week. He's the worst. Maybe Carlos Mencia could do a joke about it.

Resident of Pawnee
Wait…Kurt Cobain died? Snap.

I also don't watch the show. Therefore, I was going to play on the title and say something along the lines of how I'd prefer old episodes of The Office.

Honestly, if it involved Mila playing the actual Connect 4 game for 93minutes onscreen…I might watch.

Source: M Night Shyamaladingo
It's a widely known fact that aliens hate water. Where's your logic now, Battleship?

Rob Schneider is The Stapler.


Why are you watching Teen Wolf?

What in the funkin waggles is going on here?
Not even the most potent strain of marijuana could make Jingle Cats, let alone Jingle Babies, even slightly watchable. This was too much. I need a drink.

Lars Ulrich needs some Daily Affirmation. Could Al Franken still do Stuart Smalley? Is Franken even funny anymore?

I second that.
Frank Caliendo needs to quit. He stopped being funny back on MadTV…which was never funny.

I knew it.
Damn Gogmagog, always getting in the way of progress.

Terminal Velocity is real? Shit. It sounds like one of those fake movies Seinfeld made. Like Prognosis Negative or Mountain High.

Well, I talked to Moonvest over at CBS…
30 Rock is a much better show. They deserve Sheen's level of money.

Welcome to Marklar. I am Marklar.
Did anyone else think of that Starvin' Marvin South Park episode after reading this?

'bunch of turds' immediately brought to mind 30 Rock
I don't have any friends at NASA. Bunch of nerds.

maybe you all are homosexuals, too.

No, mother, it's just the Northern Lights.
Whenever I hear something unbelievable I still, to this very day, quote the Aurora Borealis rant. This episode ranks up there with the best of them.

Obviously bad joke in 3…2…1…
So she's trying to capture her own aroma?