The Tomfoolery of Professor Jo

To throw a random Seinfeld quote in there…

Also, Flav knows all the popular fried chicken hotspots. That's not racist, is it? Maybe stereotypical?

First reaction is the honest reaction
Did you notice Flav's reaction when anonymous white guy #1 asks him how his first chicken fry went? Flavor didn't seem too enthused. I think he threw the word 'alright' in there. You gotta promote it, Flav! Cram that fried chicken down the masses, already clogged, fast food hole!

And i've seen the shit on Nick-at-Nite. The Simpsons glory seasons don't belong on Nick-at-Nite. Unless they rename it Simpsons-N-Seinfeld…at-Nite. Poorly executed joke aside, The Simpsons will always be infinitely more profound than Night Court or The Golden Girls.

Even if you were five, catch the re-runs, man! I'm 25 and I still remember watching new episodes of season two with my dad. I laughed, but a couple years later I caught them on syndication and laughed even harder. Also, the great seasons of The Simpsons are on DVD. The future is here. Get on the trolley!

…you put the beer in the coconut and throw the can away.
When Ned gets hit by Homer, for I think the third time with beer cans & a coconut, he almost swears but saves it with a "God…bless him". I use that all the time. Also, several lines from the above article.

Chunnel: 32 Miles of Hell