
Just saw the movie last night and I have to say it had surprising thematic and emotional heft.

You can tell its a Cronenburg film because people are having sex in a car.

They didn't audio record because they didn't want to…the point isn't to use it as evidence, it's to use it as leverage on Will. Sure Will can say they didn't conspire, but the surveillance image gives no evidence of that, so it's all about perception. Grand juries are different than trials…they are a lot more about

Yeah, but I do think that pretty much every episode Sonia has reviewed has been A quality…certainly tonight's was. Last week, I might've done a B but I won't quibble with Sonia's review as I thought it was a good episode as well.

Yeah, I thought it was a funny little wink to their actual filming location.

And just all the back and forth between phone conversations and flashbacks…it takes a lot of skill to make those transitions as seamless as they were tonight.

Such a great episode..I also have to give props to Rosemary Rodriguez, who is definitely getting a reputation as one of the best television directors. Loved the great shot of Alicia and Will in the diner, or Elspeth talking while also dealing with anti-semetic bears. The editing and the directing in this episode was

I liked all three too..guess we have the songs at least. Is that the same album he supposedly recorded with Pharell?

Interesting..I was kind of expecting some electro-blues kind of thing like that swirling song Defriended he put out last summer. Downbeat Beck is still great though.

True story:
I was visiting New York a few years ago and my friends and I took me to see Fela! a musical about Fela Kuti's life featuring some of his music. It was pretty amazing and our tickets were those weird "obstructed view" seats at the very front of the stage. Just a few rows back was none other than Mr. Keith

This one hurts but Leonard died an old man who had a wonderful legacy of work to be very proud of. Rum Punch is still one of my favorite novels as is Tishomingo Blues. His characters were always so well developed that you never felt a false note in how the characters' decision making.

I don't understand why they would have this film take place in Denver. I'm from here and weed is basically already legal. There are giant growhouses of the stuff outside Boulder. There are more weed dispensaries than Starbucks. There is really no need for anyone to go to Mexico and smuggle weed back to Colorado unless

I wonder how much the writers were trying to mirror the Rebecca Duvall thing with Marilyn's actual life and her reputation as being someone flighty and crazy during filming. She was suspended from 20th Century Fox because she continually failed to show up on set and was often late and ill-prepared for many of her

I think you meant "Of course, there CBS only had to come up with $200,000 apiece for three people," since Big Bang Theory is on CBS and not ABC.

I definitely agree with Tasha..I also only have Netflix by disc. I used to have both until I realized that a) only about 10 percent of the items on my queue were available streaming b) Streaming was a slow and had awful picture and sound quality c) Portability…my girlfriend does not have a device set up for watching

I didn't have as huge of a problem with this episode…I liked the parts with Max and Caroline but hated the parts with the diner. I like the scene at the end where Max calls Caroline a badass and the call with Caroline's dad. It feels like these characters are starting to develop a true respect for each other. And

He is except he is straight and has an extremely hot girlfriend even though they may be breaking up because despite her hotness, Jorge apparently cheated on her.

Oh man…this is like my graduate thesis right here. Although I was way more focused on the news aspect of Univision which is very interesting. Their nightly news broadcasts actually have stuff about poor people and countries besides our own. Maria-Elena Salinas and Jorge Ramos host and will have seriously in-depth

The score is also one of Disney's best
To me the score is what really contributes the the emotional impact of the scenes. The low and quick strings of the fire scenes combines with the high brass to make it all the more scary. The beautiful choral sections at the beginning and then the melancholy choral part during

First time we've seen the Alt-Observers?
I don't remember seeing them before. I guess it's good to know they exist in both universes.