
Look at all the subtle details in those clips above. The fact that the hand-holds sway slightly with the train. The way the fabric curtain gets soiled when the stink monster pushes his way through. The depth and look of the much as Sen pushes her way through. The goregous rendering of the ocean….it's animation that is

I am glad coraline is hanging in there.
It's such a sweet, imaginative, awesome movie. One of the few movies great for mature kids and kid-like adults. I've already seen it twice. And I sincerely hope it kicks Pixar's ass for Best Animated Feature at next year's Oscars, though it probably wont.

Kaley is great
I also liked the moment where she stomps the box instead of trying to figure out Sheldon's detailed instructions.

Asher Roth: One Hit Wonder?
This is a #22 Billboard hit ladies and gentlemen.

Definitely found the music to be distracting
Felt pretty similar to Tasha on this one. I would add that much of the period music was distracting and acted as a cheap attempt to create recognizability. I know that there were music quotes in the original book, but they commented on the scene not distracted from it. I

And only some of those suck beyond belief.

Surprising how many successful Oklahoma bands there are.
Oklahoma really is a musical hot bed for the most random-ass musical artists imaginable.

I thought there was a lot of obvious symbolism here. Reyna like totally means queen in Latin…I just wish it could be more subtle.

I never caught the dialog…what was said? Even if they had justification, there did seem to be an inordinate amount of people backstage for what was happening on stage. I've worked at small venues like that, and even popular whole bands don't have that many people.

My problem is with the details
I feel lukewarm about the episode. I loved the interesting misdirection in the B story with Victor and Paul, but I was frustrated by the main story mostly because the whole thing just didn't ring true.

I do watch the show…I just have to wait until it comes on Netflix DVD, because my humble part-time horticulture business doesn't allow me to afford cable, much less HBO. However, I am still interested in reading what is happening, but because I am not sure about all the reason developments, I picked up on the Azalea

I don't have HBO, so I didn't actually see the show, but just thought that detail mentioned by Amelie was interesting. I have a horticulture license and do know what I am talking about. Even if Barb did use acidic potting soil (most likely a peat moss blend), it wouldn't last more than a few months. Utah water is so

No Av Club Review?
So no TV Club review for the premier episode? Didn't know where else to post. I wish you would though, because I thought tonight's episode was pretty awesome.

Azaleas won't grow in Utah
I don't know what Barb was thinking planting Azaleas in the dry, alkaline soils of Utah. Doesn't she know that Azaleas require acidic soils (3.0-6.0 on the PH scale), and a moist, shady environment? If she wanted a small drought-tolerant, alkaline soil flowering shrub, she should have tried

T.S. Fail
Was I the only one to read the screenwriter's name as T.S. Fail? Sounds about right.

Yeah my point is that its much deeper than just people and robots fighting each other.

I guess part of what I am saying is that the best of a particular genre can be just as good as something as a whole. Even though many musicals don't fit with my particular tastes, I recognize the amazing art of something like Singing in the Rain and can definitely agree with it being among the best movies. I think a

Sorry for the quindruple posting
I don't know why it did that….

Genre bashers definitely annoy me.
I agree with Tasha completely on that one. I hated the Modern Library list of the best 100 books of the 20th Century because it only contained "enlightened" literature and none of the masterpieces of genre literature like Snow Crash, Lord of the Rings, or Neuromancer. Anyone who

Genre bashers definitely annoy me.
I agree with Tasha completely on that one. I hated the Modern Library list of the best 100 books of the 20th Century because it only contained "enlightened" literature and none of the masterpieces of genre literature like Snow Crash, Lord of the Rings, or Neuromancer. Anyone who