
This will never get old

Oh I don't care if they all sound the same, I was just taking exception to Genevieve's suggestion that this sound is missing from the radio.

Oh I don't care if they all sound the same, I was just taking exception to Genevieve's suggestion that this sound is missing from the radio.

You're out of your goddamn mind if you think The Lumineers are a sound that is missing from the radio. I think "Ho Hey" is the third time this exact song has been released this year.

You're out of your goddamn mind if you think The Lumineers are a sound that is missing from the radio. I think "Ho Hey" is the third time this exact song has been released this year.

I don't agree but I understand your position. I think similar noises work great on Cicatriz ESP but they just went completely overboard on Frances. It's not the idea of stretches of ambient noise that bother me, it's relying on them like some kind of a crutch to the detriment of the album as a whole.

I don't agree but I understand your position. I think similar noises work great on Cicatriz ESP but they just went completely overboard on Frances. It's not the idea of stretches of ambient noise that bother me, it's relying on them like some kind of a crutch to the detriment of the album as a whole.

Fuck you, The Killing

Fuck you, The Killing

I think Deloused is nearly perfect but I definitely gave up on them after Frances the Mute which I thought was awful. The breaking point might have been when I removed all of the ambient noise that opened and closed every song and removed 20 minutes from the album…

I think Deloused is nearly perfect but I definitely gave up on them after Frances the Mute which I thought was awful. The breaking point might have been when I removed all of the ambient noise that opened and closed every song and removed 20 minutes from the album…

and the only alternative is to watch Family Guy

and the only alternative is to watch Family Guy

The sound at the First Ave is actually stellar now that they upgraded their soundsystem a few months back. The Cedar is the only place that I would say consistently has better sound.

The sound at the First Ave is actually stellar now that they upgraded their soundsystem a few months back. The Cedar is the only place that I would say consistently has better sound.

He's allowed to shut her down anyway he wants but we're also allowed to call him a sexist piece of shit for his choice of words.

He's allowed to shut her down anyway he wants but we're also allowed to call him a sexist piece of shit for his choice of words.

The scene was implying that she would manufacture a scandal that would justify her firing him, thus not breaching the contract. The scene also said that 3 years kept off of TV would ruin his career which is probably ture.

The scene was implying that she would manufacture a scandal that would justify her firing him, thus not breaching the contract. The scene also said that 3 years kept off of TV would ruin his career which is probably ture.

I'm well under 35 and I think it's great. I actually haven't met anyone (internet doesn't count) who hates it yet.