
Holy poop! I think I was in the same session. Edmonton, AB, somewhere around 1995/1996?

Lauren Holly's magnificence in Ford Fairlane is the only reason I've watched that movie so many times.

I was going to vehemently and boisterously disagree with you. Then I looked up his resume on IMDB.

That seems like a rather unpleasant fate for the lion.

But if you're going for mindless electrical energy, wouldn't it be easier to use cows? Or mice, if you're looking for higher metabolisms.

There's a Brian Blessed commentary track?!?!

You should always put women on a pedestal.

This. At the end of the day, for those producing the material, the only metric that really, fundamentally matters is how much money you make from it.

I think the FJ clue may not be referring to "Politically Correct" at all.

Holy cow! I just tried commenting again for the first time in probably a year, and it actually worked!

If I recall, that whole stretch of the first episodes of Sarah Conner Chronicles were shot during the Writer's Strike, and so they couldn't do any modifications to the scripts, no matter how odd some bits were.


Holy shit! I can post again!

Only if Brian Blessed plays the Prince of the Hawkmen.

You can fit a lot of cashew butter in the trunk of a Pontiac.

Wow, putting them next to an actual human being really makes you wonder how anyone ever missed the obvious signs that the Olsen twins are actually bobble-headed Grey alien hybrids.

The only reason I clicked on this was for the turtle. WTF?

In Canada:

I just thought I would mention that for some reason, I always think your avatar is a silhouette of an SR-71 Blackbird with some kind of extended thermal lance or graviton cannon or something on the right wing.

I thought he did a pretty good Alec Guinness impersonation in Episodes I-III.