
Mike Seaver from Growing Pains. Still one of the most charismatic older siblings on television. Type of older brother I always wanted.

As disappointing as this is, I really admire a showrunner who puts quality ahead of quantity and knows when to end his/her show. Or change it drastically, like Adam Reed did this past season. If only the Dexter showrunners had ended Dexter two-four seasons prior…

Would pay to see an episode of Criminal Minds with David Tennant. He could be a quirky genius that threatens Gubler's quirky genius. It would be great.

Agreed. Instead of providing analysis of how Sam's orientation is affecting his team. let's just comment on his playing, just like we would anyone else. Sadly, if he has a rough start, we all know where the commentary is headed.

All in the Family is such a timeless classic, that handled conflict in sitcoms extremely well. And even though it was hilarious its entire run, it was the heart wrenching epsiodes that really stuck with me. Edith's death still gives me chills.

Even at 22, I'm still a pretty big fan of YA novels. I like to revisit many of the Christopher Pike series from time to time. The only problem I have with adaptations is when YA novels, that are more mature than their generalization, are treated as YA material. The Lovely Bones was a YA novel, but the way Jackson