Gustav Gadon

Dude, space bar.

Coen Brothers' Intolerable Cruelty - 'National Organization of Matrimonial Attorneys Nationwide'. Their motto - 'Let NOMAN Tear Asunder…'

It's also the day Before Sunrise takes place in

wasn't that dogtooth?

Seconded. My summer fling with a Serbian sax player is one of my fondest memories… [sighs, pops open bottle of slivovitz]


I would never have believed something, *anything*, would actually compel me to hit that damned 'like' button, but you just did, Archmage. You sure did.

Blockbuster had a business plan?

Here's to Patti, Tina, Yoko, Aretha…

For kids!

I love her each weekday / Each velvety cheek day

"Masters of War" is terrific, but I don't think any protest song from the 60's has anything on Joni's "The Fiddle and the Drum".


Second 'A Perfect World' and add my own little twisted tear-jerker:
the final scene between Bill and Kiddo in Kill Bill 2 gets me every time. It builds up slowly as soon as (SPOILERS?) BB shows up and finally gets me when Bill tells her she's the 'best person I know'