
Me too, I'm just saying I think some youtube commenters etc. were overreacting.

Yeah, but the title really confuses X-Men fans, m'kay? Because I'm an oblivious dork with no real problems to complain about, m'kay?

An ad for haemorrhoid medicine is like an embarrassing fictional ad that someone thought up and wrote. The fact that Bryan Cranston actually did it is hilarious.

I thought Morrissey would be on here.

How about a breaking bad spinoff about Hector Salamanca, just scowling and watching daytime TV with his upper lip quivering?

"That goes double for you, Hip-Hop!"

Suicide is supposedly still a common law crime in some US states. Yeah it was offensive what Rollins said but I would say legalising it would be a better step to help legitimise this issue for people than complaining about whatever someone's negative opinion about suicide is. Don't give the comments attention.

Your theory works for Joaquin Phoenix. But what about Tyler The Creator? He started as a novelty rapper, I would add Riff Raff but I have no idea if that guy is self-aware or not.

I could see how it could be annoying if you were very close to a holocaust survivor to see other people complain about much smaller issues in their lives. But his comments are probably coming from a lack of sympathy for depression sufferers (and denial of depression itself) rather than actual sympathy for his mother.

Groovy baby, does my physics make you HORNY?

Catwoman? I know it's just one sucky movie, but it exists.

Oh rly?

I actually won a dvd for the spongebob movie in a colouring competition when I was little. Now I'm going to watch it thanks to this article.

Beyond Scared Straight.

How about Welcome To Night Vale? The narrator has a damn soothing voice and it's about such a strange and interesting little world. Also, basically every Hayao Miyazaki and Sofia Coppola film I've seen is feel-good to me.

30 Rock is good for laughs, but for me it's too cynical for this category.

Adventure Time, Adventure Time, Adventure Time