
It might be best if the show did wrap up. I loved seasons 1-3, but season 4 isn't of the same caliber. Better for the show to end after a good run than grow stale season after season.

:: sobs hysterically ::

Depends. Does T-Dawg like marinated pork tongue like Errol?

Oh thank God. I thought Limehouse cooked him up and served "long pig" for dinner instead of pork.

Considering that she's out of the sex trade, it's not really accurate for Art to keep referring to her as a prostitute.

Neither? Maybe Colt will be his own undoing?

:: hits LIKE repeatedly ::

It was nice to see Limehouse and Noble's Holler again — I almost forgot how MEAN the man is. At this point, Limehouse' criminal reputation must be shot, though. He lost three million dollars and is now in debt to all his former bank clients. To boot, word is going to get out that he endangered Ellen May when she

@avclub-baf85a9c743fef2c046bd5cd59d7fc98:disqus — I appreciate how Justified doesn't sanitize prostitution like some shows and movies. It's shown in all its ugliness with drugs, instability, and violence.

I don't see Colt surviving this season, given his downward spiral and many mistakes on Boyd's watch. Johnny's treachery will probably catch up with him as well — Boyd and Ava will eventually realize that he tipped off the Marshals.

Agreed. Boyd already knows that Colt is untrustworthy and incompetent, and yet Boyd entrusts the biggest business transaction of his criminal career to him? Epic stupidity.

I'm amazed that kind of mindless loyalty hasn't gotten Ellen May killed yet. Poor thing.

I for one want to hear Rachel sing showtunes.

Relax! It's not THAT kind of show!

What about operating a brothel, or beating up Ellen May in season 3? Those count as bad things in my book.

Maybe he has a glass eye? Maybe Drew shot him with a small type of bullet so that it took out an eye without inflicting much damage on his face?

I fear that Ellen May is not long for this earth. We've watched her make bad decisions throughout season 4, the most recent being when she reached out to old friends from Last Chance Salvation Church while in hiding. This led Cassie to ask about her at Audrey's, leading Ava and Boyd to realize that Ellen May was still

It's a once-in-a-lifetime chance for Ellen May IF she can avoid screwing it up. Her lack of common sense has gotten her in trouble before, and I have a sinking feeling that she's going to do something that complicates her escape with Shelby/Drew.

Ava has indeed gone to the dark side with her many dubious deeds, such as running a brothel, beating up Ellen May, ordering a hit on Ellen May, etc.. One thing I've noticed about Justified is that (with the exception of Boyd), bad characters run up against bad karma sooner or later. Ava will meet a harsh end, either

QUARLES QUARLES QUARLES QUARLES QUARLES! Pleeeeease let it be Quarles! I need my Neal McDonough fix. Failing that, I'll take a Limehouse cameo.