
Unreasonably harsh on the guy for being an elitist.

She is really funny for a fat chick.

Fuck you. The film is perfect.

I LOVE the First Peoples shit.  Like the Iroquois didn't evict a few dozen rival tribes on their way to forming their League.

There is literally nothing in your comment that is right.

Politicians who get stuff done should be free to bang whoever they want. They are all scumbags anyway, why bother faking moral rage?

I love how having a few affairs left him "tarnished" but acting in a porn, smoking weed on camera and working in Hollywood left him squeaky clean.

The title made his mama cry.

My hatred for this song and this album cannot be overstated. It makes me cringe 12 years later.

God this episode was boring. meh.

derp derp derp

Do you ever shut up?

lolz. thx.

Calorie for calorie, the shitty fast food is far cheaper. Its hard to explain to the uneducated and impoverished the long term costs of relying on that stuff.

No. Not eating meat is not what provokes meat eaters. Your pretense of social consciousness is the provokation.

Bourdain's root problem with American vegetarianism is that more often then not it's rooted in an affectation of social consciousness that is only possible for over-privileged ass-hats. I don't think his critique of vegetarian diets would extend to cultures with established traditions of vegetarianism or a culture

Do not buy Sony products.

Sony is much much worse.

So you are okay giving money to a company that sues its customers, installs illegal rootkits on PCs and pays congress to pass laws restricting free speech?

Havent we all learned enough about Sony to know that we should just not buy their stuff? They alternate between thuggish abuse of their own customers and criminal negligence.