Orson Hyde

For all the musclebound men fighting in these films, there is very little testosterone. No balls, no risk, just safe cliches and trailer moments.

and furthermore… I don't care how the goodguy is going to win… I know that he's going to win. When a movie spends time showing me how the villain stacks the odds against the hero, that is a compelling story to watch. Instead it's just: "narrate to me how 'its an ancient evil with a large teleporting CGI army' and make

The villains have been very weak in all of the Marvel movies. Its hard to believe that in all of Marveldom, the bad guys are always so bland and pointlessly convoluted. Capt. America has a rich white Politician pulling strings from behind the scenes as the big bad next, ye gads how boring. The Avengers made a ton of

Unfortunately the hot scoop is about a pressman getting horribly killed when his clothes get snagged and he is sucked into a newspaper printing press. He will be played by a horse.

Dames in this show just want dick or kid. Except Gemma, as the matriarch and a veteran actress the writers of the show provided Katy Sagal with a lot of character depth and background to work with. Gemma wants dick, kids, and to look through people's shit.

Its true. 5 seasons is all you need to tell an engaging story with the hour drama format.