

No, just no. If you're right I'll come back and apologize, but no. Never scotty. It's Coles baby.

Plus he's constantly daydreaming or having nightmares about running people over. Heck, wasn't that the original ending of his book? He's obsessing about it realky, how many times did we see that?

Unless helen and noah are trying to make himself look guilty. Throw his own trial sort of thing. Max could definitely be mixed up in that theory as well.

Lol yet I followed it.

Ohhhhhh snap! You might be on to something!!

What was that grin Max shot Noah at the end? and why has no one mentioned it? Lol

What was that grin Max shot Noah at the end?? and why has no one mentioned it? Lol

It's also, probably, the only thing that can redeem him in the viewers eyes. How many seasons do you want to watch hating the main character? For me, not many. There has to be something redeemable. Even Vic Mackey had his moments.

It's also, probably, the only thing that can redeem him in the viewers eyes…how many seasons do you want to watch hating the main character? For me, not many. There has to be something redeemable. Even Vic Mackey had his moments.

Yep! And no way is he done with alley. No frigging way.

Ha! I know, I couldnt belive she'd say that. She is usually so composed and eloquent…it was coles pov, though. She might not have been that harsh… and that's interesting because it's already showing coles surpressed feelings towards her.

Ha! I know, I wanted to slap her. That's was coles pov, though. She might not have been that harsh…

Totally agree! There's something very honest about her character, I think, which is why even though she can be a twatt at times she still feels like a good person at heart.

Totally agree! There's something very honest about her character, I think, which is why even though she can be a c u nnt at times she is still a good person at heart.


Hahaha eww. He so did! Then again, she probably thinks he's a disgusting old man but is willing to sleep with him to further her career. He made it seem like she was drooling over him. Somehow I doubt that. His head is so very far up his own bumb.

Hahaha eww. He so did! Then again, she probably thinks he's a disgusting old man but is willing to sleep with him to further her career. He made it seem like she was drooling over him. Somehow I doubt that. His head is so very far up his own arse.

It wasn't compete reality though. Remember that was allisons view of him at that moment. While I'm sure he's somewhat happy and moved on, I just can't buy he's moved on completely. He will always love allison and their son. Hes not the type to forget, no way. Hes a forever type. He's forcing this relationship with

And remember, in coles vision last week of Gabriel, Gabriel kept asking him to come in the water with him… I thought at first it was only coles imagination/hallucination, but now I'm more convinced this is what actually happened. We know the son drowned and that Cole was supposed to be watching him, (acording to