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    Did anyone else catch that the AP Bio teacher's lesson of the day (audibly heard briefly right before hair loss girl freaked out) was on invasive species? Some people in that classroom should be paying more attention to their teacher …

    I am interested to see where the show will go with the HIV story thread. There was a mention that Tobias could be a carrier without even showing the symptoms, which might be a hint that they are moving in that direction with the story. Could they be leading to Alexander having contracted HIV from Tobias during their

    Anyone else think Jonas Nay is excellent in the lead role?

    So, let's apply some logic to that final scene, shall we?

    My thoughts exactly. I have never seen the Scream films, so to me this is a halfway decent teen drama. And I'm guessing that most of the show's target audience hasn't seen the Scream films either.

    The events of the Scream films could have happened, though — not the films themselves.

    So I guess Tracy being made a kanima is supposed to lead/mislead us to think that the Dread Doctors have something to do with Jackson, the only other kanima we know. The rumors were that Colton Haynes might be returning to Teen Wolf after leaving Arrow, but I would be surprised if he actually does.

    Mama McCall and Papa Stiles belong together, dammit! Stop messing with us Jeff!

    Even more of a pity when you consider that the creator and showrunner of Teen Wolf (Jeff Davis) is openly gay.

    As a native St. Louisan, I am still upset that they blew up the Arch. And as a logical human being, I am upset that they think the two legs would have survived the explosion wholly intact and still standing up.

    Papa Stiles better be moving toward a secret relationship with Mama McCall. If you're not going to give me shirtless guys, Jeff Davis, at least tug my heartstrings.

    I kinda liked the music theme that kept playing during the "game" scenes, but I also found it unsettling. Maybe that's the point. It was very playful and almost goofy, but it was underscoring scenes of children killing their parents.

    "No one has ever died of secondhand heroin."


    They're always in the last place you look.

    "Or an 'M'?"

    Favorite Whose Line game?

    Pat: I could really go for one of those Long Island Iced Teas.
    Frankie: Oh, they make a really good one at Don's Oriental.

    So the whole argument seems to be: Trevor Noah is 31. Therefore, he is too young with too much energy and not enough gravitas.

    My three biggest laughs this episode:
    - "What font?"
    - "Sorry Doris, I can't take you home with me. This is your home now."
    - "Chop Sue-y"