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    Yes, she's been in at least two episodes in person, plus various appearances in photos … so says the internet.

    So what does the episode title mean????

    And thus she won't be at her daughter's wedding … that makes the most sense.

    Everyone knows teenagers love bananas!

    Agreed. I have no problem with heights as long as there is something between my body and the open air.

    "I do have a male roommate, but I assure you it's an entirely different arrangement."

    Actually, there usually is a computer back there. From pictures I've found on Google, it doesn't look quite as old as the one they used in this episode, but there is one there, which they never use.

    Clues: difficult to pronounce, looks like it might be spelled incorrectly


    Mama McCall and Papa Stilinski were really getting close this episode… more of that, please!

    Let's all lament the absence of Emmett in this episode.


    I guess this means that Rosie O'Donnell is done with the show? I (surprisingly, to me) actually thought she did pretty well in that role.

    Any episode featuring Jude and Connor earns an automatic A.

    Anyone else interested in lamenting the fact that the shift in focus of the show away from Jimmy and Sabrina and onto Burt and Virginia has led to a sharp decline in cute Hope reaction shots? Those were some of my favorite parts of the early seasons.

    Agreed. In fact, I would have been perfectly happy if it was a whole episode of them talking/arguing in the booth at the buffet.

    Just to be safe, let's have Parker Young nude in every episode.

    Oh Parker Young, you can visit me in my trailer any day…

    It's tradition!

    As always, great review!